It worked fine, and would still be working today if not for World War I, and soon after, the rise of Keynesian notions that governments could manage their economies by jiggering the currency.
FORBES: The 1870-1914 Gold Standard: The Most Perfect One Ever Created
Yet he would still be practicing medicine today if not for the single-minded persistence of a junior doctor, Andrew Bower, who, unlike virtually everyone else in the university hospital, strongly suspected Colin Bouwer of murder and worked with the police to bring him to justice.
We would not be standing here today if it weren't for financial aid.
If your state has not addressed license portability for military spouses yet, today I want to ask you to make this issue a priority.
So would the World Bank today lend money for an Aswan dam if it did not already exist?
Yet even if they repealed the policy today, the beneficial economic effect would not be felt for years.
Clinton did today, we should do all we can to stop it, if not for the Syrian people than for ourselves.
But the reality of today is that younger women who are looking for work have job opportunities, if not now, certainly in the future.
Even if the extra profit to pay for it is not presently there, incentive exists for the owner to borrow today the money necessary to have the big payback in the future.
"We apologise for those who are disappointed at not being able to visit the museum today but if we do not do this there there will be fewer exhibitions and galleries open to the public in the future, " said Alan Leighton, national officer of union Prospect.
If Talley decided to sell him today, the bull would fetch him six figures, which is not uncommon for high-end bull sales.
Today, much if not most of that dietary reserve has been plowed under to make way for 100 million acres of ethanol-producing corn.
The second, uncomfortable, reason for Byrom's importance is that if Mrs Hancox is right, today's Globe is not an accurate replica at all.
And, even if they were not obsolescing, weapons designed for the Cold War may be ill-suited and incredible as deterrents to today's threats.
"If you don't buy today, you are not going to buy twice as much tomorrow to make up for it, so there are losses, " Mr Agg said.