Experts are now looking to Joe's expansion to see if the classic slice can take a stand.
If the Cowboys Classic glorifies these programs, then one can argue there is a properly aligned reward system.
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Imagine if the ITU, a classic example of a sluggish international bureaucracy with antiquated diplomatic rituals, or indeed any other inter-governmental organisation, had been put in charge of the nascent global network two decades ago.
Wealthy Chinese are famous for their preference for high-end Bordeaux wines, even if the food pairings with this classic are sometimes questionable.
If the above images are authentic then the Ti does indeed maintain the classic Vertu look.
During installation you will be asked if you want to automatically go to the classic desktop when you login, bypassing the Start Screen.
If you feel like dipping back into the classic series but no longer own a PlayStation or PlayStation 2, you can find several of the games on Steam for reasonable prices.
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But if you play on classic, know that the stakes are very high the more attached you get to the cast.
Instagram is the classic example here, but if you think of the ubiquity of services such as Spotify, Pandora, Dropbox, Netflix, Twitter, Foursquare, and Pinterest, these are expected in a modern smartphone.
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In his memo, Mr Ballmer warned that Microsoft must avoid the classic mistakes of global corporate giants if it is to stay ahead of its competitors and reinvigorate its share price.
For example, a classic case of displacement would be if the 2012 NCAA Wrestling Championships in St Louis (which are held in mid-March annually) forced another convention that annually holds its convention in St Louis on the same weekend to choose a different host city in 2012 because it was displaced from St Louis due to the wrestling event.
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In other words, the company would have to expand beyond its classic clogs if it was going to survive.
Ah yes, the adage from the classic baseball movie Field of Dreams is true - If you build it, they will come.
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Even if a team is fortunate enough to win a pennant, the Fall Classic will be misnamed and TV ratings will plummet lower than ever.
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It won't give you as many retro-gaming options as the GP2X, but if you're satisfied with a little classic NES action as a break from your daily grind, Odna's upcoming VX737 PMP looks like it should suit you just fine.
It only makes sense to perform a classic, textbook analysis of the publically available information if you are an analyst who controls enough money that a tenth of a percentage point in stock price equals the cost of the time that you spend doing the analysis.
If the current quarter has negative GDP growth, then we would have a classic recession.
The classic guarantee is a return of principal to your heirs if the portfolio goes down and you die before cashing in the annuity.
If you are a beginner, the Methow Valley Ski School offers lessons in classic cross-country skiing and more technical skate-skiing at three locations, Winthrop, Mazama and the Sun Mountain Lodge.
"If you try any other approach, there's a good chance that the classic machinations that happen in a legislative body will cause this not to be realized, " he said.
Does a final merit its place as a classic if one player produces play of such supreme skill that they comfortably defeat the other?
The classic example of a non-recourse loan is a simple mortgage (if you sign a personal guarantee in addition to the mortgage, that changes the nature of the loan).
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If you are reading this, I know you have seen the final chapter in of this cult classic.
Because the government knows that 25 percent of all cigarettes in Ireland are smuggled in already and cannot stop this classic expression of Irish anarchy, especially if it keeps adding profit potential for entrepreneurs of the streets.
One wonders if, should Gillette's fortunes sour, she will update the book to describe the scene as one of classic overconfidence.