Wayne Rogers, 32, of Kingswood, jailed for two years after admitting nine charges of ill-treatment.
They face 38 charges of either neglect or ill-treatment of people with severe learning difficulties.
Southern Cross, which operated Orchid View, closed the home last year following allegations of ill-treatment and neglect.
BBC: Orchid View Care Home neglect inquiry: Man held over death
But they rejected Mr Abdi's complaint that his removal to Somalia would put him at risk of ill-treatment.
At an industrial tribunal in 2010, a judge ruled that Mrs Laird had been the victim of ill-treatment.
The head teacher and five staff members remain suspended over alleged ill-treatment including locking a pupil in a room.
Eleven people have admitted charges of ill-treatment and neglect related to the abuse.
BBC: Winterbourne View care home scandal 'could happen again'
It contains two themes that are a classic cause for complaint - depiction of disabled people, and ill-treatment of an animal.
Nallakaruppan Solaimalai, a businessman accused of pimping for the former finance minister, has alleged ill-treatment at the hands of the police.
Russia denies the allegations and, according to Reuters news agency, reporters who visited the centre on Monday saw no signs of ill-treatment.
The Afghan nationals claimed they would be at risk of ill-treatment from the Taliban in reprisal for their past work were they to be removed to their country of origin.
So far, eight detectives have been suspended and the Police Complaints Authority says it has identified 200 alleged offences within the force, including what it describes as ritualistic ill-treatment of prisoners.
Headlines in Europe this month have highlighted the continent's worst, and most ill-managed social problem: the treatment of millions of Romanies who face at best discrimination and at worst persecution.
The court determined, then and now, that the suspects would not get "ill treatment" in super-maximum security prisons if they are extradited to the United States and convicted in American courts, according to the European court's decision Monday.
In a statement to CNN, six-time Paralympic gold medalist Pistorius -- who also reached the semifinals of the Olympic 400 meters competition -- said he was unaware of any ill treatment to the horse.
The upshot is a competition for commercial development that pulls new buildings towards richer suburbs and out of city centres, which have ill-trained workforces and heavy welfare burdens and cannot afford favourable tax treatment for developers.
There was a brief worry for Ireland when Niall O'Brien required treatment for a twisted ankle but the right-hander showed no ill-effects as he reverse-swept Mendis for a magnificent four and added successive boundaries off Matthews in the ninth over.
It also included a mental-health component, expanding a law that requires some seriously mentally ill people to get treatment and requiring psychiatrists and other providers to report patients who may be dangers to themselves or others.
The claims have highlighted cases in which families have said their children have received palliative care - treatment to relieve pain but not cure, which is often given to terminally ill patients - when they believed they could have recovered.