Day trading, which made no sense even in the best of times, is now 100% illusory.
It also really happened, to real people, not illusory figures like John Wayne or Errol Flynn.
Mr White argues these advantages are, if not wholly illusory, then at least deceptive.
As your narrator becomes increasingly unreliable, the world around you starts to feel paper-thin, almost illusory.
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Issuance of illusory pronouncements without a basis in law will not improve compliance with employment tax laws.
FORBES: Employers Beware of IRS' Illusory Worker Classification Program
Those with MBAs, living in their own illusory world, will drive out smart people at all levels.
The swaps and shrewd accounting provided illusory gains for many carriers, even as the bandwidth business fell apart.
Nixon decided to trash the world monetary system rather than face that illusory threat to his electoral success.
It was somewhat illusory because of inflation, but it could feel real good when you were collecting it.
Ehrsson created a scenario where the illusory body was threatened - by swinging a hammer towards the virtual figure.
Choice provides a sense of self-determination, even when choice is trivial or illusory.
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Employers should avoid the program, as the relief promised by it is illusory.
FORBES: Employers Beware of IRS' Illusory Worker Classification Program
Without a firm date for implementing tax increases, this goal will remain illusory.
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Third, the temporary stability in public finances and the rouble may prove illusory.
As for the rest of us, our health insurance will become increasingly illusory.
But sadly this elixir of youth is mostly as illusory as the rest.
Both Mr Obama and his foes have produced fantastical budgets, full of illusory savings and ignoring the huge entitlement programmes.
In the case of Evergrande, Citron contends that its liquidity is illusory and that the firm has cooked its books.
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The prospect for an agreement on the sequester, tax reform and a budget going forward is just as illusory as ever.
Yet despite the rhetoric, true independence from local authorities has so far been illusory for those trying to establish new schools.
The additional returns achieved during the boom turn out to be illusory.
The first was excess demand for its exports created by the high tide of credit-financed spending and illusory wealth in rich countries.
But this security is illusory, since any native app can read keystrokes.
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While the Obama administration managed momentary relief in 2009 and 2010 through a first-time home buyers tax credit, those gains were illusory.
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They believe in an impermanent and illusory self made of shifting parts.
The profits are illusory, and investors who look to them are deceived.
When the market ignited, illusory capital wrought by inflation burst into flames.
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That is because there is no guarantee for the next year and no multi-year contract to derive the illusory comfort of League longevity.
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That the gold turned out to be illusory made the saga seem even more of a parable about the consequences of unbridled greed.
But what about all the cash bonuses and stock that had already been paid out for illusory earnings and revenues based on valueless investments?