• Cho had been declared mentally ill and "an imminent danger" to himself by a Virginia special justice, CNN reported in 2007.

    CNN: Rejection, bullying are risk factors among shooters

  • In two years, elephants went from imminent danger of extinction to badly in need of contraception (the facts did not change, the reporting did).

    ECONOMIST: Plenty of gloom

  • One out of 12 surveyed charities said they were in imminent danger of folding due to financial reasons.

    FORBES: How To Give Like Gates, Buffett & Peterson

  • That breathing space would be useful if something really bad, such as the collapse into the sea of part of the Greenland ice-shelf, was in imminent danger of happening, and the realisation of the danger led to a political agreement that climate change had to be stopped rapidly.

    ECONOMIST: Global warming

  • Aware that Cameron was in Philadelphia again and believing that she was in "imminent danger, " Walker moved to Boston, the nation's hotbed of abolitionism.

    WSJ: Book Review: To Free a Family

  • By reprogramming the brain to no longer equate discomfort with imminent danger, he suggests, we can achieve a state of ease despite life's inevitable hardships.

    WSJ: How Too Much Comfort Is Killing Us

  • Meanwhile, a live flood warning system has gone online to help people track the areas in imminent danger.

    BBC: Floods as torrential rain hits UK

  • Everyone felt the country was in imminent danger, and they were all willing to do whatever it took to keep our nation intact.

    FORBES: The Noble Art of Self-Sacrifice

  • "This was like our first opportunity to really be outside without feeling like there imminent danger, " said Hathaway, a mechanical engineering student from nearby Newton.

    WSJ: In suburban Boston, thanks and jubilation

  • Nidal Hasan did not elaborate when announcing he would use a "defense of others" strategy, which requires defendants to prove they were protecting other people from imminent danger.

    NPR: Fort Hood Suspect To Represent Himself At Trial

  • In a case such as Mr. Hurd's, "I think a judge would be more open to an argument that there is a real and imminent danger that trade secrets would be inherently disclosed, " Mr. Zieff said.

    WSJ: H-P Sues Hurd After Oracle Appointment

  • "Neither one means failure is imminent or that your life is in danger or that you should be afraid to get in your car, " he said.

    CNN: Experts: Leadership, money keys to building bridges

  • In 1883, 12 people were trampled to death when a rumor that the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge was in imminent danger of collapsing triggered a stampede.

    CNN: News Almanac

  • In contrast to New York, and against the advice of experts, Illinois did not rewrite the law to include an exception for arming oneself when there was a reasonable fear of imminent danger.

    CNN: Put reason back in America's gun debate

  • Foreign and Chinese analysts agree that China sees no imminent danger in Iran, despite efforts by interlocutors as different as Israel and Saudi Arabia to convince it otherwise.

    ECONOMIST: China and the Middle East: Walking between the raindrops | The

  • Florida's statute makes it clear that the justification is not available to a person who initially provokes the use of force against himself, unless such force is so great that the person reasonably believes that he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and that he has exhausted every reasonable means to escape.

    CNN: Let a jury decide on Trayvon Martin case

  • But to complicate matters further, even a provocateur has the legal right to defend himself under Florida law if he can't escape and if he is in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm, as Zimmerman claims he was.


  • Stack says the biggest threat to stocks will come from interest rates, but that danger, he says, is not imminent, with the Federal Open Market Committee all but assuring the market that rates will not rise until spring 2004 at the earliest.

    FORBES: Looking Up From Dow 10K

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