We change environments, change countries and jobs, change homes, but our essence is immutable.
Unlike opera and symphony performances, potentially infinite in number, a movie is single, immutable, like sculpture.
On the other hand, Mr Murdoch's opposition to the euro may not be immutable.
One of the more immutable disadvantages of Astana is that it is a long way from anywhere.
Is it simply Schadenfreude or is the real-time news firehose rendering the once-immutable paradigm of reputation capital obsolete?
The windows were regarded as immutable, but Mr Turner was determined to move cable up the food chain.
One lesson I hope my students are learning is that documents like the Declaration of Independence are not immutable.
To be sure, the old guard will continue to clamor on about the immutable centrality of a carbon tax.
But there is one immutable rule: you can never wipe your slate clean.
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There will always be different fields, facilities, and factors in various social network systems, but the basics are becoming immutable.
Before the crisis, South Koreans had generally shown a seemingly immutable and rather Confucian degree of financial conservatism and thrift.
This principle has become an "idee fixe" for the Greek lobby and an immutable feature of every subsequent foreign assistance bill.
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But isn't it modern practice to retire at the usual age, or is a constitutional monarch as immutable as the pope?
While guns, girls and gadgets have remained immutable to the world of the secret agent, instant box office success has sometimes been elusive.
The model we in the West grew up with - and our great-grandfather's parents grew up with too - turns out not to be immutable.
An immutable fact is now clear for all to see: Food prices track oil prices, regardless of how much corn is used for ethanol production.
Like phone books, we used to have immutable facts all compiled in Encyclopedia Britannica: 9 planets in our solar system, the Soviet Union, and avoid alcohol.
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In fact, once these often repeated, seemingly immutable laws of deterrence theory are easily refuted, the logic for a robust missile defense system is stronger than ever.
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For many people, it seems as though the idea that the goal of corporation is to make money is one of the immutable truths of the universe.
This ensures that the new kilogram will be a truly universal and immutable standard, set in something much firmer than stone, or even platinum: the fundamental laws of nature.
This suggests that the familiar bell-shaped curve reflects no immutable law, and that intelligent government policies might well help to reduce pollution levels even while countries are still relatively poor.
The key, according to Tariq Ramadan of Oxford University is to distinguish "principles" that are immutable and "models" that are a product of the time and place the stories were told.
The theory is that it would at least permit some strategic defenses to be deployed and would put to rest the notion that the ABM Treaty must remain immutable in perpetuity.
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They are hewing to the immutable traditions of Shariah going back to the 9th Century, as interpreted by the consensus of the faith's "authorities, " the only figures allowed to speak for Islam.
Different editions still had textual variations, introduced either intentionally as revisions or inadvertently through sloppy editing or typesetting, but books still came to be viewed, by writer and reader alike, as immutable objects.
This is interesting, as Fishman notes, because it suggests that the rush to offshore over the last decade may be more of a fad than the result of immutable laws of comparative advantage.
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Fourth, it's still entirely possible that neither Sprint nor Palm know the exact date -- we're guessing the firmware still hasn't gone gold, and until it has, they can't be putting an immutable stake in the ground.
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