That has a devastating impact on children's health, education and future prospects, the charity says.
Community, culture and leisure minister Graham Cregeen said the strike would have an impact on children taking their exams.
In addition to evaluating promising methods, we know that good teachers make a huge impact on children in the early years.
And that there is a disproportionate focus on security issues in secure establishments, which it says has an impact on children's well-being.
Concerns have been raised that a planned cut in teacher numbers could have an impact on children in deprived parts of Dumfries and Galloway.
The departure of a parent from home through divorce, death or another cause of separation has far more impact on children than a parent's sexuality.
Just as these publishing companies came together thirty years ago to incorporate greater diversity into textbooks, they are now using their platform to have a positive impact on children's health.
Research on early childhood and brain development concludes that the first years of life have a much greater and more lasting impact on children's future growth and learning than we previously understood.
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board, a statutory partnership board with responsibility for co-ordinating work to safeguard children, said it accepted the report's findings that changes the board was leading "have not yet had a good enough impact on children's lives".
"This is likely to have a hugely detrimental impact on children's education with teachers in key subjects such as maths, physics and IT who have highly marketable skills leaving teaching and graduates with these skills, and other sought-after skills, not going into teaching, " she said.
Any investment in jobs and skills for parents that helps them be positive role models will have a massive impact on their children.
We think that if we're really going to have an impact on disadvantaged children the public sector is part of the solution, but we can't wait on them.
In the hourlong special report "Toxic Childhood, " Dr. Sanjay Gupta examines the large number of chemicals our children are exposed to -- even before they're born -- and assessed what we know and don't know about their impact on our children's health.
Even though none of us is ever going to be perfect, every new competency we conquer does have a long-lasting impact on our children, from understanding how to teach children self-control, to helping them gain confidence, to learning how to gain their cooperation (so we don't resort to yelling).
The TV advert, which will focus on the impact domestic abuse has on children, is being filmed this week with the help of students at Highlands College.
Sure Start and the free nursery places have had more impact on the poorest children.
To date ministers have not commissioned independent research into the impact of CfE on children's education.
He said anyone considering going abroad for donor eggs should consider the impact on any future children.
All that is true, but what is often hidden from view is the impact on women and children.
The impact of films on children was the main worry of Mr Ferman, who had a son and a daughter.
But whatever the impact of divorce on children, no government is likely to deprive women of the freedoms they have won, in marriage and at work, over the past 50 years.
Indoor air pollution (IAP) is an excellent example: A massive global problem and the second-largest driver of global warming, IAP causes over 3.5 million needless deaths each year, mainly in the developing world, and has a disproportionate impact on women and children.
FORBES: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire: A Call to Action for Better Indoor Air Pollution Research
"The key issue is the impact of government policy on children and young people, " she said.
But the NASUWT teaching union questioned the evidence that male teachers had any impact on the outcomes of children.
Ms Bellamy said Aids and conflict were having an enormous impact on the lives of children and preventing the world from meeting its development goals.
Prof Annette Karmiloff-Smith, of Birkbeck, University of London, said that rather than focusing on the possible adverse effects of TV and video games, it would be better to look at what positive impact they could have on children.
Plaid Cymru's Westminster leader Elfyn Llwyd was concerned about the impact the cuts could have on children.
It questions whether English local government can continue to serve deprived communities and suggests the "early evidence points to the distinctive impact of cuts on services for children and young people".
The "silent mutations" - changes in genetic material - are likely to have no obvious impact on older fathers' own children, but they may build up through subsequent generations, or interact with other genes and environmental factors, to increase the chance of their grandchildren developing the condition, the researchers say.
Sana, one of the volunteers working with these Syrian children says the impact on Badr was profound.