The UK is second highest importer in the world of these so-called "embodied" emissions.
Every U.S. state besides Washington requires all foreign wines be shipped to an importer or distributor.
Superpremium vodka connoisseur and importer Sidney Frank died of heart failure a few weeks later.
In 2006, Britain became a net importer of oil for the first time in decades.
In recent months, China has elbowed Japan aside to become the world's second-largest oil importer.
The weak dollar means higher commodity prices, and China is the leading importer of raw materials.
Devaluationist policies make this difficult because monetary debasement eventually weakens exporter and importer alike.
In contrast, the U.S. is a chronic importer with a chronic current account deficit.
FORBES: Is The U.S. Economy Turning Japanese? Gary Shilling's View
It's turning the US from a hugely dependent energy importer to a potential net exporter.
China is the world's third-largest net importer of oil, behind the U.S. and Japan.
Since 2007 the country has been a net importer of food, after decades of self-sufficiency.
An importer would buy goods without VAT because they came from another European Union country.
To avoid antitrust concerns, ABI had proposed selling off Modelo's half-interest in its U.S. importer.
As the world's biggest arms importer, it spends billions of dollars a year on foreign weaponry.
Japan, a big importer, says it will release about a fifth of its government-controlled rice stockpile.
The United States, which is the world's biggest oil importer, is screaming blue murder.
Malaysia will probably be a net oil importer by 2014 (gas is more abundant).
It is the world's largest importer of hydrocarbons and the largest consumer of coal.
By 2030, some have estimated that the U.S. will become a net importer.
Constrained by a lack of refining capacity, it is also the world's largest importer of petroleum products.
Indonesia, self-sufficient in rice a decade ago, will once again be the world's biggest importer this year.
Indonesia, self-sufficient in rice a decade ago, will once again be the world's top importer this year.
"We are a net importer where we used to be a net exporter, " he told BBC Scotland.
Hong Kong itself is the globe's largest importer of farmed pelts and exports more garments than anyone.
Because the final duty liability to the importer is still unknown at the time of entry .
FORBES: Tomatoes, Furniture, and Shrimp: Is Extortion the Main Purpose of the Antidumping Law?
To survive, Mr Huang maintained his day job with the Manhattan office of a Taipei-based plastics importer.
"Bordeaux is still the largest single area of great vineyards that exists, " says British importer Mark Walford.
It is this varied landscape that wine importer David Berry Green says makes the case for further delineation.
Fuel Supplies CI, which stopped importing the fuel last week, is the only importer of super unleaded petrol.
But there are many links in a supply chain, and even a well-intentioned importer can't police them all.