Even earnest Dreier (whose house was furnished in this style) seems to have realized the impracticality of her vision: that there were far more Brooklynites than modern masters could accommodate.
But Google has now broken ranks with its allies and dared to speak about the sheer impracticality of net neutrality on mobile networks where demand is likely to outstrip capacity for the foreseeable future.
Tim draws comic books too, but he's basically a dreamer who fancies himself a doer -- his plans for taking revenge on the forbidding nun are ludicrous, though no less perilous for their impracticality.
Michael Cerveris is smooth and calmly imperious as Balanchine, whose impracticality and devotion to his artistic vision are subtly presented by Nelson through the "Orpheus" rehearsal process, as well as via anecdotes, called "George stories, " shared by his amused and admiring friends.