Then they explain the bizarre name of the company, just in case the customer is confused.
In case you missed it, the claim is right there in the law's title.
Make sure your cell-phone number is on the pet's collar, in case he gets lost.
Fewer than a tenth have put together contingency plans in case things go wrong.
Collateral is paid over in case one or other party to a contract goes bust.
FORBES: This Is One Way To Kill The European Banking System: Monte Dei Paschi And Nomura
The banking board is worried in case panic spreads to depositors at other Islamic financial institutions.
In case you were thinking that it's all two-star food, that day we had hot dogs.
In case anyone in Medialand is not paying attention, the lesson applies to journalism too.
Or I could provide a different last name in case she did her own Google search.
The IRS says it will closely monitor the situation in case future legislation comes along.
By the way, YouTube monetizes with ads, just in case you want to go there.
Those affected were often scared to complain in case they were further discriminated against, they added.
Just in case things became unbearable, she set a time limit for her project: 30 days.
They also have parachutes in case they have to get out before the plane goes down.
And it was clearly prudent to stay in touch, in case something ever came up.
In that case it's better not to kill any cubs in case they were yours.
And if we don't get it early enough, we panic in case we never shall.
Just in case, she calls a colleague who can come and wait with Anna.
BBC: Prison mentors: 'I've been in trouble almost all the time'
Nor is it likely to be worth media firms' getting in early just in case.
People always need coverage in case of natural disasters, health-care expenses and auto accidents, for example.
But because he has avoided trials, his theories have not been enshrined in case law.
Ms. Ketcham says she would wear a bathing suit beneath her yell uniform just in case.
Instead, they should prepare staff to make informed decisions and cope in case the unthinkable occurs.
FORBES: Female War Reporters Under Sexual Attack Overseas? All The Time
And, in case you haven't noticed, that competition is getting mighty stiff these days.
He would likely be stashed in the minors in case of injury to a major-league arm.
In case you haven't noticed, fitness gadgets are having something of a moment right now.
She hunches beneath her huge backpack, carried solely for fashion, or just in case.
Do not pay until the day you leave, just in case the weather turns foul.
In case you hadn't heard, Apple released the latest version of OS X recently.
ENGADGET: Distro Issue 51 arrives with an in-depth look at Apple's Mountain Lion
However the precise location is being kept secret in case of an invasion of curious visitors.