• And preferably, make sure you got something that you can charge it with a battery -- little battery chargers -- just in case you don't have power.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And in case you don't log onto the online store, you can check out the phone on Google's home page, which rarely features ads but which now showcases a prominent plug for the Nexus One.

    CNN: Google creates buzz with wireless store

  • As mentioned, it also features two USB ports for such things as memory card readers (for importing your digital photos, naturally) and USB WiFi adapters, in case you don't want or can't get a wired connection.

    ENGADGET: Gear Eye: MSN TV 2

  • Half an hour later, room service arrived with still and sparkling Voss--"just in case you don't like that kind, " said its bearer, winning me over with his wide grin as he motioned toward the pitcher of cucumber-mint water on the table.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In case you don't have your smartphone app handy, the taps are equipped with LED lights to show the water's filter status as well -- blue means clean, yellow means not so much and red means you should probably get a new filter, pronto.


  • In the average case, you don't have metal detectors at the door to the courtroom, too, but it's been done before.

    CNN: Tight security blankets embassy bombings trial

  • She told us to get down and put your back on something, and leave the windows and doors open in case a building shifts so you don't get trapped.

    CNN: Widespread destruction from Japan earthquake, tsunamis

  • And you can actually tweak as well - that's charming worms from a distance with a long-handled fork, in case you're a bit squeamish of the worms, you don't have to get too close.

    NPR: The Tricks And Tools Of Worm Charmers

  • And like in my case, you know, I don't watch Univision.

    NPR: Latino Bloggers Watch 2008 Candidates Closely

  • Just in case I don't ever see you again, I had a real good time.

    NPR: Bluesman Delbert McClinton's 'Cost of Living'

  • In case you fall off the space station and don't listen to your mom's instructions, you can fly back with the little thrusters on that jet pack.

    NPR: Former Astronaut on NASA Risk Assessment

  • In the case of limited liability companies, which don't have boards, you'll want to secure a managerial role.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • If you lost weight very quickly by significantly undereating (undereating would be considered less than 1, 200 calories, which it does not sound like you did if you were eating 1, 600 calories per day), you might see a temporary drop in metabolism, and this could respond to a moderate increase in calories, but I don't think that's the case for you.

    CNN: What's the best way to 'kick-start' my metabolism?

  • "Supplier default" coverage protects you in case the tour operator, cruise line or airline goes bust, though some policies don't include it.

    WSJ: Is Travel Insurance Worth the Cost?

  • In the case of lung cancer, studies suggest that beta carotene supplementation may actually increase your risk, even if you don't smoke.

    CNN: Should I take beta carotene as a supplement?

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