• Fortunately, Mr Amato and I are in full agreement over all the economic initiatives of our government.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • Russell Weiner, CMO of Dominos, is in full agreement that mobile will be imperative this year.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Buffett and I are in full agreement that anyone who buys bonds now thinking they are safe is in for a very rude awakening.

    FORBES: Bernanke, Buffett, Lappin: Bonds, Gold and Stocks

  • After Hoyer's conference call, an aide told CNN that the majority leader is in full agreement with the speaker about the need for a public option, and that a health reform bill will be hard to pass in the House without one.

    CNN: Obama, Democrats urged to find unity on health care reform

  • Then I'd also say that President Putin has indicated that he is in full agreement with the policies that President Medvedev undertook as it relates to the reset and that, frankly, he wanted to continue the cooperative nature of the relationship in a set of areas.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The reason was Ehud Barak's reluctance to implement in full the Wye agreement .

    ECONOMIST: Making the cut

  • Serbia has made some progress towards EU membership, signing a Stabilization and Association Agreement with Brussels in May 2008, and with full implementation of the Interim Trade Agreement with the EU in February 2010, but a decision on candidate status has been postponed to 2012.

    FORBES: Serbia

  • But in the absence of a full peace agreement, the Northern Limit Line remains in place.


  • The EU says that Russia must observe the six point Georgian ceasefire agreement in full, withdrawing all troops to behind the lines occupied on August 7.

    CNN: Analysis: Can Europe stand firm against Russia?

  • To lighten the gravity of of all that, read Not the Royal Wedding: the Prenup Agreement in Full by John Crace over at the Guardian.

    FORBES: Why Will and Kate Don't Need a Royal Prenup

  • Still, if you're running such an operation of your own, it may be worth your while to peruse Apple's non-disclosure agreement in full -- a site shut down could be but the beginning of the company's actions to control OS releases, and prevent third parties from illegally capitalizing on Cupertino's creations.

    ENGADGET: Apple reportedly shutting down unauthorized third-party beta sales, restricts iOS 6 to licensed devs

  • The foregoing description of the Agreement is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the Agreement, which is filed as Exhibit 10.1 to this Current Report on Form 8-K and is incorporated by reference herein.

    FORBES: Yahoo! Divulges Salary Details For New Boss Scott Thompson

  • Agreement to Official Rules: Participation in the Giveaway constitutes entrant's full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding.

    ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

  • Earlier this year, the administration refused to certify that North Korea was in full compliance with the 1994 nuclear agreement, but then issued a waiver to allow oil deliveries to continue.

    ECONOMIST: After yet another naval clash, talks are off, again

  • And the changes to the Irish constitution, renouncing the republic's claim to the North, may not now be made: under Irish law, this revision goes through only if the Good Friday agreement is implemented in full.

    ECONOMIST: Parking the process | The

  • In general, an OIC is an agreement in which the IRS settles for less than the full amount owed.

    FORBES: Are IRS Tax Collectors The New Men In Black?

  • The full range of titles included in the licensing agreement will also be available to NOW TV customers.

    ENGADGET: Sky and NBC Universal extend content deal with exclusive movie rental window

  • The French and German governments said they wanted "full implementation" of the agreement "in the quickest time-frame".

    BBC: Greek cabinet backs George Papandreou's referendum plan

  • If the UK blocked agreement on such a tax in the full EU, he said in an interview with the Financial Times, the eurozone should press ahead on its own.

    FORBES: Wolfgang Sch?uble Asks for the Worst of all Possible Worlds

  • As reflected in Executive Order 13085, the full implementation of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from Nuclear Weapons, dated February 18, 1993, and related contracts and agreements (collectively, the "HEU Agreements") is essential to the attainment of this goal.

    WHITEHOUSE: Executive Order--Russian Highly Enriched Uranium

  • This -- let me say first of all, I think we have improved the Medicaid program in this budget agreement, and I want to make full disclosure with the full support of the Republican negotiators over and above what it was in the budget I presented.

    CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript

  • Emails have surfaced in the last few days that show the New York Fed, and its outside counsel, engaged in a concerted effort to keep details about the federal AIG bailout hidden from the public, most controversial of which was the agreement to repay credit default swap counterparties in full without really trying to negotiate.

    FORBES: Block That Bonus!: More From The Fed's Secret AIG Files

  • We continue to work under the status of forces agreement that we have with the Iraqi government, that will result in full withdrawal of U.S. troops by the end of this year.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • However no-one is expecting full agreement on such hotly debated topics and the Ulster Unionists aren't exactly in much of a position to insist upon it.

    BBC: First day of new assembly term

  • The agreement ends a contentious, and expensive, process begun in 2011 that sought a full accounting of the various breaches and subversions of the foreclosure process by lenders during the housing crash.

    FORBES: Mortgage Settlements Not Likely To Move Housing Market

  • Pirrone said he was able to get a 30-day payment exemption, but was told that he had a signed agreement with the bank, and he was still obligated to pay the loan in full.

    CNN: FBI breaks up $25 million 'car cloning' ring

  • Security Council members that Syria lacks full compliance with the peace plan and that troops and heavy weapons remain in population centers despite an agreement to withdraw.


  • In Northern Ireland, my government will continue to work towards the full implementation of all aspects of the Belfast Agreement and maintain close co-operation with the Republic of Ireland.

    BBC: The Queen's speech in full

  • Touching on immigration in Europe, he said Britain would give "practical help and advice" to its neighbours in order to avoid a "full scale immigration crisis" and a "complete reversal" of the 1985 Schengen Agreement, which phased out border checks across the continent.

    BBC: UK immigration control 'will get a grip'

  • The Labour party says it sees the so-called Saudi initiative - which calls for an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 border in exchange for relations with Arab countries - as the basis for a peace deal and would aim for a full agreement "within two years".

    BBC: Israeli election: Where they stand

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