It was an estimable challenge, as starving locals killed animals in large numbers for their meat.
But her second album failed to sell in large numbers, essentially ending her recording career.
Pakistanis defied the militant group by coming out in large numbers to cast their ballots.
Basking sharks were recorded shoaling in large numbers off Scotland's coast during last year's research.
Poor women most in need of this kind of help are dropping out in large numbers.
In the 1970s, Vietnamese people came to both East and West Germany in large numbers.
Meanwhile, the country's security forces have been deploying in large numbers throughout the southeast.
Consumers are going mobile in large numbers, and the 2011 holiday season proved it.
Produced in large numbers, it illustrates that religious texts are not confined to the page.
ECONOMIST: Works of art from the Aga Khan's collection on show in London
In fact, Weedfald thinks his company will start moving these info appliances in large numbers.
It is these same young Americans who voted in large numbers for the new president.
Drawn by its wilderness, wines and food, Australians are visiting Tasmania in large numbers.
In fact, the banks were free to do anything, except fail in large numbers.
They also fear that American Jews will vote for Republican challengers in large numbers.
In recent years, the survivors and their descendants have moved in large numbers to Germany.
So while Shiites are moving there in large numbers seeking protection, if they're moving from Sunni-dominated areas.
Ms. Binder cites one study from HHS that shows that medical errors still persist in large numbers.
FORBES: Hospital Improvement: New Report is a Half-Baked Recipe for Patient Safety
In the United States alone, studies have found Catholics dropping out of the church in large numbers.
Selling these models in large numbers, let alone exporting them as the company plans, will be hard.
Jews, especially younger ones, have been dropping out in large numbers for years, Mr Eisen points out.
Iraq's Sunni Arabs turned out in large numbers to vote in that election, but they're not happy with the results.
Indians began arriving in Britain in large numbers shortly after their country gained its independence in 1947.
Pakistanis deserve enormous credit for showing up in large numbers to vote in the face of such violence.
Now that Iraqi troops have surrendered in large numbers, it was unclear what the possible targets might be.
"The potential for that car to sell in large numbers is huge, " says Manishi Raychaudhuri, a UBS analyst.
Then we have the X generation, who, if anything, has favored large homes and exurbs in large numbers.
The shrine is popular with both Hindus and Muslims who visit it in large numbers to offer prayers.
Private institutions have also sprung up in large numbers in the last few decades offering widely varying educational facilities.
FORBES: From Vedas To Cloud: The Transformation Of Education In India
Raytheon patented the microwave oven in 1945, and the appliances would start selling in large numbers in the 1970s.
The organisms are microscopic, thinner than a strand of human hair, but in large numbers they make seawater cloudy.
BBC: Seafarer science: Sailors asked to help measure plankton