Rearranging the small type on the typical prescription label, Ms. Adler put the information in a logicalorder, giving prominence to the things that people most need to know at the moment they are reaching for their medicine.
Even bigger savings in terms of confusion forgone would come with an American decision to adopt the more logical European practice of writing the date in the order of day, month, year.
We use the same boxes for training design engineers for the lock companies in how to think inorder to figure out ways to compromise locks when the methods are neither apparent nor logical.
As discussed, the next logical step is to incorporate location-based services inorder to invite buyers to purchase locally based on personal relationships and dynamics.
GaveKal recently discussed a few unconventional, but logical steps that they believe the Fed and the Treasury should consider inorder to stimulate the economy by targeting housing directly.
After a Grexit there will be tremendous pressure put on BBVA to sell these assets inorder to shore up their balance sheet, and Provida is the logical and perhaps the only potential buyer for these assets.