One of them staggered around comically as I warmed a glass of the drink in my hands.
Down by the sailboats where we waded in, the feel of the world in my hands.
But with my stuff in my hands and a lot on my mind, I began my entrepreneurial journey.
The XPS 12 was uncomfortable to use as a tablet, in my hands or lap, for long periods.
WSJ: Review of Dell XPS 12: Dell Laptop Does Flips to Try to Be a Thick Tablet
There was the sound of metal striking metal, sparks flew and the handle of the shovel bent in my hands.
Children would come up to me at the urging of their mothers and put coins or dollar bills in my hands.
"She had me close my eyes, put my head in my hands, and count backwards from 100 by sevens, " says Grove.
"It's in my hands in the sense that depending on how many goals I score the manager might want to keep me on, " stated Dickson.
If I felt anything when I held a pair in my hands now it was only a hangover from my childhood, nothing else, nothing in itself.
The image of Photo 51 is tiny - just a few centimetres across - and holding the glass plate in my hands felt like handling a piece of history.
On Thursday afternoon, some 20 people lined up outside a branch Banco Federal CA. "I just want to have my money in my hands, " said Carmen Hernandez, a 33-year-old secretary.
"Where he is placed is a matter of professional decision by the Secret Service and others and something that is properly in their hands and not in my hands, " said Sen.
More of Slipher anon, but let me start by sharing this little piece of history (photo above), which I held in my hands during a tour of the Lowell Observatory archives.
"In the end, the answer to our economic troubles rests less in my hands, or the hands of our legislators, than it does with America's workers and the businesses that employ them, " he said.
No idea how long I was down, but a dream and a half later I found myself on my knees, my face on fire, holding in my hands not the milk but a huge Yale padlock.
"I know that there is a lot of buying online, but I like crawling through the stacks and holding a book in my hands, " says Jim Nottingham, a business development consultant who lives in Millwood, N.
But while Golden Abyss had me locked into the world of the small screen in my hands Burning Skies had me casting my eyes back to the consoles on my shelf, wondering what might be going on over there.
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"It's a results-based sport at the front of the grid so the future lies in my own hands, " said the 35-year-old.
In my opinion, in the hands of a skilled and strategic merchandising team, the Liz Claiborne brand could be revived.
FORBES: J.C.Penney Tramples on Liz Claiborne and Misses a Great Opportunity
"I remember waking up from an induced coma a few days later and being told that they had to amputate my both hands in order to save my life, " said Koger, now 34.
"I ditched the cart and went in with my bare hands, " she said.
CNN: 'Black Friday virgin' gets first taste of holiday shopping ritual
It was just such an application that had me wringing my hands in frustration a few years ago.
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course.
FORBES: A Tale of Two Inaugurals: Kennedy vs. Obama--Which Is Better?