Success in public speaking is made up of a myriad little moments of connection like that.
The irony is that the best way to protect yourself in public speaking is to give up any thought of self-protection at all.
Speakers today need to forget the rules they learned in public speaking classes of the last century, or in debate classes, and focus instead on having a conversation with their audiences.
As Creswell puts it, self-affirmation provides "an easy and portable strategy that you can roll out before you enter a high-pressure situation where you are required to perform well, " whether it's engaging in public speaking, readying for an important exam or giving a critical presentation to your boss and her boss.
He even enrolled in a public speaking course and dropped out before it even started.
So far Mr Rubin is statesmanlike in public, speaking about American responsibility and self-interest.
It is the number I have been predicting in my public speaking on AR topics around the world for about a year now.
FORBES: Why The Sudden Rush To Bring Google Glass To Market?
In his experience, the fear of speaking in public is the most common workplace angst.
Each of those positions taught me valuable skills in sales and public speaking.
To simulate heightened stress, a test group of men were placed in interview and public speaking scenarios and their BMI preferences compared against a control group of non-stressed men.
Unfortunately, as smart as he was in realizing a good marketing opportunity, he turned out to be sadly dumb in his approach to public speaking.
FORBES: What Happens When You 'Wing' A Speech? Ask Tony Hsieh of Zappos
Instead of practicing public speaking in hopes of increasing our confidence level, we actually work on our confidence through the act of going over our presentation.
FORBES: Confidence As a Skill: Lessons From Diane Von Furstenberg
You have become such a great voice for public speaking in the past few years, but I honestly think you missed your goal on this blog post.
Speaking in public on Tuesday, Mr Vasquez said he had considered going to war over the issue and had even asked then US President George W Bush for support.
BBC: Uruguay ex-head Vasquez quits politics over war comment
So he enrolled in a Dale Carnegie public speaking course and says the skills he learned there enabled him to woo his future wife, Susan Thompson, a "champion debater, " he says.
Rooney also hinted at difficulties behind the scenes at Everton, which is arguably the most controversial utterance heard from the 18-year-old who has studiously avoided speaking in public for much of his career.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Man Utd | Rooney's ruthless edge
In my experience coaching executives on their communication and presentation skills, I can tell you that many, if not most, wealthy, famous, and successful business leaders currently struggle or have struggled with speaking in public.
Everyone gets nervous about speaking in public.
FORBES: No Joke: A Comedian Conquers Fear of Public Speaking
Our curiosity led us onto a path of inquiry, into the homes of American families, volunteering to teach in public schools, and speaking to anyone who had done work even remotely related to the field of financial literacy.
The BBC's North America Editor Justin Webb reveals that one of the journalists at last night's presidential press conference had written out his question in advance as an aide memoire - it seems that the President is not the only one who relies on written prompts when speaking in public...
Here is Al Gore flying a private jet again to a public speaking appearance in San Francisco.
Speaking in his first public appearance since the vote, Mr Borisov said his party would ask the constitutional court to cancel the election results.
Lopez, 33, is taking night classes at Cerrito Community College, but work toward her associate's degree in marketing, business administration and public speaking is slow going.
And more than half of Japanese users said they didn't bother with precautions to guard their data when working in a public setting, measures like speaking softly on business calls or checking for bystanders reading over their shoulder.
This month, we travel the country in pursuit of an answer, speaking to some of the top minds in the public and private space games.
Few things in the business world are scarier than public speaking and making presentations to large groups.
Basic public speaking tools are deployed in an effort to get you to do something in favor of the candidate, usually a contribution or your vote.
Speaking at the public meeting in Ravenscar, Graham Clarke, operations director for Sirius Minerals, said the only way to access the potash was from within the national park.
Speaking at a public meeting in the town of Carolina in South Africa's Mpumalanga province, Mr Motsoaledi said the large number of young girls who were HIV-positive "destroyed my soul".
Speaking for the first time in public, Mr Walker told the health select committee staff had been forced to cancel 700 operations when hospitals were full of emergency cases in 2009.