Is it any wonder the markets have become so much more volatile in recent years?
But in recent years, he added, the urgency has never been greater among hotel operators.
There has been some clarification in recent years, however, thanks to advances in DNA testing.
Micro loans to local entrepreneurs have also gotten a lot of attention in recent years.
Sadly, rapid modern development has seen their numbers dwindle to just a few hundred in recent years.
Fishing is a legendarily hazardous occupation, particularly Alaskan shellfishing, and fatalities have been increasing in recent years.
Elbow, The XX and PJ Harvey have won the Mercury Prize in recent years.
In recent years, he has been taking on a more-public presence in New York.
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Nadal has raised his profile in recent years and the endorsements are starting to come.
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In recent years, controversy has also swirled around energy drinks, which also contain caffeine.
In recent years, one in four high-tech startups in America were founded by immigrants.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform | The White House
"They've carved so many things out in recent years, " Bach said of the industry.
Rate increases have leveled off in recent years, and some homeowners have even found cheaper policies.
The EU has also coordinated a growing number of military operations in recent years.
But in recent years, they've begun to be seen as models of green virtue.
Revenues for fights have gotten a boost in recent years through the addition of high-definition telecasts.
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In recent years, some corporations have taken initiatives to get their employees involved in philanthropy.
FORBES: How to Turn Every Corporate Member into a Philanthropist
"As some of you know, I've been critical of the agency in recent years, " Nissen said.
Sainsbury's has struggled against its main supermarket rivals Tesco and Asda in recent years.
In fact, this has happened twice in recent years, with alfalfa and sugar beets.
But in Ohio, in recent years, there has been an effort to do more.
Use of bilingual road signs has also been a fiercely debated issued in recent years.
Members are concerned by a sharp drop in numbers in recent years, against growing demand.
In recent years we've seen George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Will Smith wandering down the grid.
Google has launched several branded handsets and video and audio streaming devices in recent years.
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But the industry has been suffering something of an identity crisis in recent years.
BBC: NEWS | Business | Mail order looks beyond the printed page
In recent years, the women have done a better job keeping to the traditional French script.
In recent years entrepreneurs have been celebrated, but the institutions they created often have not been.
Still, inflation has been tolerable for China in recent years for the most part.
In recent years, he has been looking to start his third act as a developer.