The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to determine that circumstances no longer warrant the blocking of the property and interests in property of a person listed in the Annex to this order, and to take necessary action to give effect to that determination.
All will gather at its Headquarters in Paris, on 19 and 20 September 2013, to take part in the 4th session of the Conference of Parties to the Convention, which will amend in particular, as every year, Annex I of the Convention related to the list of prohibited substances and methods.
It was also proposed that the United Nations establish a registry of national appropriate mitigation actions by countries not included in annex I to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The change does not allow for entirely new grammar schools, but it would allow existing schools to open an annex in Sevenoaks to cater for the demand.
The bill would implement a new annex to the Antarctic Treaty that was agreed in 2005, which requires anyone undertaking activities in Antarctica to ensure measures are in place to prevent any environmental damage and to have contingency plans should any damage occur.
She said the "firewall" marked in the UN climate process at its origin in 1992, which divided the world into Annex One - rich countries with commitments to reduce emissions - and everyone else, must be maintained.
Cabral's church has 35 members, barely enough to cast a decent shadow in the annex of larger Southern Baptist churches.
So long as Mr Barak remains in charge, he is likely to annex only the Jewish settlements that he is anyhow determined to keep.
Annex I to that proclamation included an error in the list of subheading numbers to be added at general note 4(d) to the HTS, and I have determined that a modification to the HTS is necessary to correct that technical error.
Buster McCulley's parents are buried in an old cemetery on the land Mr. Carver is proposing to annex from Tennessee.
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In addition with respect to goods of Peru under the terms of general note 32, the HTS is modified as set forth in section D of Annex III to Publication 4349.
Instead, the Annex 1 countries might be encouraged to pay for them in exchange for permission to discharge a bit extra themselves.
Mr Cook suggested the British Museum could have an annex in Athens and in return would be able to show more Greek antiquities in Britain.
Section 201(d) of the Implementation Act authorizes the President to take such action as may be necessary in implementing the tariff-rate quotas set forth in Appendix I to the General Notes to the Schedule of the United States to Annex 3.3 of the Agreement to ensure that imports of agricultural goods do not disrupt the orderly marketing of commodities in the United States.
He agrees immediately after traveling in from Brooklyn, offering up a single, key caveat: it's actually the annex to his own private library.
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Mr. Hicks described a frantic scene in Tripoli as diplomats rushed to destroy classified information at the compound as they prepared to withdraw to an annex nearby.