Ali was standing in the center of his ring when I stepped through the ropes.
The second was right in the center of the table with the last seat facing it.
Marcelin Rose Danie and her family lived in the center of Port-au-Prince when the earthquake struck.
Removing Google Reader rips a hole in the center of an active user's online life.
They landed 50 feet to the left of us in the center of the fairway.
It's the second-largest crop in the center of the country, so why shouldn't we do broccoli?
Most of the low-misery states in the center of the country are strong Romney supporters.
This week, the intelligence community once again found itself in the center of two controversies.
Take, for example, the province of Bamiyan, a mountainous region in the center of the country.
But the real story lies in the center of the yellow circle on this chart.
Place a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
CNN: Food Central - Recipes - Incredible Melted Ice-Cream Cake
The Tea Party is not a kook fringe but is in the center of the American mainstream!
This dusty settlement of 25, 000 farmers in the center of Africa has no running water or electricity.
He was given a standing ovation as he waved to fans in the center of the pitch.
So bacteria in the center of a hamburger patty, for example, might survive the heat of cooking.
By putting the customer in the center of the integration process, the success rates of acquisitions could improve.
"In the center of all of the controversy is Trooper Wooten's continued employment, " the former police commissioner said.
Global banks have been under pressure this whole year, with European banks in the center of the storm.
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We move on to a Christian church in the center of town that at first glance seems typical.
He rushes into the bell tower in the center of town and climbs to the top to hide.
It's sandwiched vertically in the center of the dash, where the traditional stack of HVAC and stereo controls would normally lie.
We got the kind of space, both in size and quality, that just wasn t available in the center of Delhi.
When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 350F, and position a rack in the center of the oven.
Trainor was in the center of it all as ringmaster and head clown.
The red Nissan truck itself weighs 1, 400 pounds and rests on 16 casters in the center of the stage.
The liver, in the center of the bird's body, stores fat the bird traditionally uses on long migratory flights.
They were kidnapped from a government building in the center of the city.
In Paris, the well-to-do tend to live in the center of the city and the poor on the periphery.
Keep your eyes focused on the cross in the center of the screen.
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He believes that if you build a fabulous beach resort, even in the center of Vietnam, tourists will come.