As Owen discovers, several people have skeletons they'd like to keep hidden in the closet.
He said, well, Richard spent three days in the closet and came out with his new videogame.
His fabrics, such as rich, brushed-wool tweed, could have been found in the closet of an Italian castello.
You can't have 100 pairs of shoes in the closet or 50 outfits.
Fold your nice clothes away in the closet and become a potato farmer or something for a few years.
This would be a growth stock for Wall Street to love but for one century-old skeleton in the closet: lead.
While Glasgow was hunkered down in the closet, Waynel Mayes, a first-grade teacher, distracted her students with songs and games.
In the next installment of All Things Considered's "Hidden Treasures" series, Harriet Baskas reports on a real skeleton in the closet.
"I'm not the type to stand in the closet for a couple of hours because there is a tornado warning, " he said.
In the bathroom, Mr. Hyland will display cologne and aftershave on the vanity and hang dress shirts and ties in the closet.
Here's a smarter idea: Leave the work duds in the closet, the tools in the garage and the renovation plans on hold.
"The magician who lives in the closet called me a Muggle, " says head librarian Jen Spota, after her first day of work two years ago.
Maybe this is because we can all remember when we were afraid of the dark, of the monsters in the closet or under the bed.
I've since re-hired her and my towels go in the closet.
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Some bloggers and wrote that Microsoft hid its skeletons in the closet during the speech -- straying from tablets and smartphones, which are big topics with other companies.
Banks are hiding their private derivative skeletons in the closet.
Rather, the circumstances were: Boulud was in the closet-size galley of a Gulfstream IV private jet, and the only equipment at his disposal was the device beloved by reheaters everywhere.
We begin in the closet, dissecting pieces and wardrobe categories, and using those individual garments as a springboard to discuss lifestyle, aesthetic preferences, areas of body consciousness, frustrations, and comfort zones.
The very first play set debuted in 1962 as a Modern-style studio fashioned of cardboard with tiny pink plastic hangers in the closet and miniature records touting real-life band names hanging on the walls.
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He knows what it means to hang up your life in the closet and pack your heart and health and conscience into a carry-on bag, and then set out for the airport and never look back.
Rather than hide their skeleton in the closet, the city of Nederland chose to introduce the world to "Grandpa Bredo" (as he is affectionately known) with their midwinter festival, this year held March 4 through 6.
Other features included large pulls on lamps, C-handle drawer pulls that are easy on arthritic hands, wide spaces in the bedroom and the closet that accommodate wheelchairs, multi-leveled hanging bars and pull-out drawer space in the closet, and threshold-free transitions from room to room.
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Ms. Charlton of Clos-ette says a new feature she's including in recent designs is a "virtual styling tool" consisting of computer screens and iPads set up in the closet so people can work remotely with a stylist who has a visual inventory of their clothes to scroll through.
There are servers synchronized with the New York Stock Exchange and other exchanges, but many banks are keen on keeping the crown jewels in the server closet not the server farm.
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In 1875, the Constitution found a home in a tin box in the bottom of a closet in a new building that housed the Departments of State, War, and Navy.
The fine, fragrant talc dusting on the dresser, the brush webbed in silver hair, the fifty-year collection of black handbags stuffed in the top of the closet- it was all too much, too much.
But the impending financial crisis in Japan will shake the bears out of the closet in full force and ultimately help fuel a vigorous selloff of the yen over the next 12 to 18 months.