It is understandable as an adult male spent a fair part of his life at war in the exclusive company of men who depended on each other for survival.
Odeh later admitted to an FBI agent who interrogated him that he was in the company of the men who allegedly carried out the bombing of the embassy in Kenya, but he denied having a role in the plot.
From the first days of the founding of his firefighting company, in 1959, his men tooled round the dry scrub of the Texas oilfields in red Lincolns, easy to spot when needed.
In the company of women, men often are not as open as they can be.
Edmund McIlhenny started his business in the late 1800s, says Paul McIlhenny, the sixth in an unbroken line of McIlhenny men to run the company.
Brioni debuted the most expensive line of men's suits in the company's history last October.
How about ushering in a climate that is balanced and based on respecting and acknowledging the unique dialect women speak (in addition to the already accepted manner in which men communicate) to make it a more well-rounded company, instead of constantly trying to fit a round peg into a square hole?
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She was doing many of the same duties as the men in her company, but at lower pay.
Originally founded with the idea of matching working mothers with challenging, highly skilled jobs, the company has grown to include placements for men and women in a variety of work assignments.
Martin, however, set a goal of returning to full duty by the time the men in his company returned home in July 2011.
WSJ: When the Fighting Stops: Troops Coming Home from Afghanistan
Wal-Mart attorney Theodore Boutrous didn't dispute those figures, but he argued payroll data shows the company treats women and men who are performing similar jobs equally in nearly all of its stores.
For the two men, the immediate appeal of starting a private company lay in the money it could unearth to fund drug research.
One of the men involved in the group is 27-year-old petroleum company employee Mark Beshara, who has patrolled Tahrir on seven occasions, intervening to stop 15 assaults and being injured in the process.
While women will stay in school to master the ideas of their books and professors, men will drop out to start a company around their own original idea.
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Danielle Chiesi made a name for herself by building close personal (allegedly intimate) relationships with powerful men, in exchange for company secrets, which she then passed on to Raj Rajaratnam, the leader of what is being called the largest insider trader ring ever.