• This is true even when they are in the hands of someone who has been trained to ask the right questions.

    FORBES: Job Interviews: Users Beware

  • If you put yourself in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, you can be confident it will look good.

    WSJ: 20 Odd Questions: Nicky Haslam

  • It feels unsafe to us to put our fate (even just our professional fate) in the hands of someone who makes superficial, biased, or self-promoting judgments.

    FORBES: Wise Leaders Guide Through Change

  • It's an extreme case but it highlights a very real dilemma for every neophyte collector who's thinking about hiring an art adviser: Are you putting yourself in the hands of someone who's going to treat your walls the way a shady auto mechanic treats your alternator?

    FORBES: Who's Watching The Watchdog?

  • Because of the power-sharing deal underlying the current Iraqi political setup, the presidency is in the hands of the Kurds - and for Kurdish political reasons, it would have to go to someone from Mr Talabani's party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), our correspondent explains.

    BBC: President Jalal Talabani in 2007

  • The choice of Mr Cheney shows confidence on Mr Bush's part - he is not picking someone who will help him massively in the election but instead opting for someone who is competent and a safe pair of hands and would help him in government.

    BBC: Dick Cheney: A safe pair of hands

  • All Noah has done is taken the same tax dollars and put them in an account for someone instead of into their hands.

    FORBES: What Should We Do If Robots Do Take Our Jobs?

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