Beamz has been firing lasers in the name of gesture-based performance for a few years.
One participant was instructed to wire her payment to an account in the name of Delaware Escrow Co.
How far can we really expect companies to go in the name of CSR?
Are corporations, in the name of profits, now going to help them take a step back?
FORBES: Is What's Good For Corporate Profits, Good For Al Qaeda?
Courts too often ignore contracts in the name of their own version of "true" justice.
All of this is happening in the name of defending the euro currency bloc.
Financial regulatory agencies will limit the choices that consumers have in the name of fairness.
Around the world, they stand up, speak out and tweet in the name of justice.
Some of the work shown in the name of Arte Povera predates the Arte Povera rubric.
FORBES: Arte Povera? How An Ambitious Art Historian Simulated A Revolution
It is a fundamental principle of our work together, in the name of our common humanity.
Iraqis were tolerated by Syria, which opened its doors in the name of Arab brotherhood.
Why should this information, gathered in the name of investor protection be kept from investors?
FORBES: Why the SEC Is In Danger of Becoming Irrelevant ( February 28, 2006 )
Some, in the name of full-inclusion, like to keep Christmas out of the public sphere.
Some other vassal would come along and spear his fellow-knight in the name of love.
They would always advertise that their efforts were made in the name of innovation.
Our sacrifices will be great, but our suffering is in the name of protecting others.
FORBES: What Are The Optimal Siege Tactics For Taking Magic Kingdom's Cinderella Castle?
Is Europe willing to be home to a lost generation in the name of European solidarity?
Will Facebook finally push the privacy envelope too far in the name of meeting earnings estimates?
Murder in the name of honour will be punished by the severest penalties available in law.
"In the Name of Freedom" runs at Ayyam Gallery, DIFC, Dubai, until October 30.
CNN: Syrian pop artist depicts suffering with 'black comedy'
Often, critics say, these depend on ignoring legal safeguards in the name of cutting red tape.
But the designer has had to make some concessions in the name of expansion.
Strangely, their warning was issued in the name of safeguarding democracy and improving Turkey's image abroad.
It isn't desirable to cause a heart attack in the name of trying to prevent one.
And as a consequence, appeasers will always and forever foment wars in the name of peace.
Actions like those interfere with the natural business process in the name of saving American jobs.
We had a brief opportunity to examine the German passport, issued in the name of Said Bahaji.
We will be grateful for any help, in the name of the Almighty do not remain indifferent.
No other team has demonstrated such a willingness to sacrifice pure talent in the name of character.
But HTC has been known to try lots of things in the name of being first.