If we were the animals living in the North Pole and the South Pole we would start to think will we ever make it past the threat of global warming or are we just all going to die here.
When Buddy the Elf travels from the North Pole in search of his father, he ends up in the Big Apple.
In tandem with Deep Oceans Expeditions the group also plans to take 40 people on a dive below the North Pole in August 2000, for a similar price.
Pen Hadow, the first man to trek solo from Canada to the north pole without resupply in 2003, agrees with the distinction.
Yet, equipped with a prosthetic leg, he successfully trekked with the rest of his team to the North Pole in 2011.
Mr Hadow, from Hexworthy, Devon, became the first person to trek solo and without support from Canada to the North Pole in 2003.
Modern astronomers now know that the celestial north pole was exactly aligned between Kochab and Mizar only in the year 2, 467 BC.
The Grail gravity mapping satellites were smashed into a mountain near the Moon's north pole in December.
BBC: Nasa reveals new information about moon probes crash sites
In April 2006, I led an expedition to the North Pole to raise awareness of the consequences of climate change.
Go to the North Pole and fret about global warming, preferably in the company of a furry animal.
If Santa Claus and his little helpers from the North Pole are able to deliver presents around the world in just one night, why can't the Internet?
And if things do not work out and Chrysler slides into bankruptcy, Fiat has no liability exposure but would be in pole position to pick up the assets it needs to implement its North American strategy at fire-sale prices.
In 2000, he lost the fingers on his left hand during an unaided attempt to reach the North Pole.
It was 70 years ago, in 1937, that Ivan Papanin first landed on drifting ice floes and raised the Soviet flag over the North Pole-1 station.
Each year I guide ski expeditions across the pack ice to the North Geographic Pole and each year brings new surprises -- severe storms rarely seen in these parts, vast tracts of first-year ice where there should be years of accumulation, pack ice drifting faster and farther than ever before.
They show one of the legs of an American craft called Mars Phoenix Lander which touched down near the planet's north pole on May 25th 2008 and operated until it was disabled by the gathering winter in November.