• Vancouver in the sixties was a haven for political radicals, draft dodgers, artists, and drifters.

    NEWYORKER: Neptune��s Navy

  • Watching Mitt talk to the NAACP yesterday made me feel I was back in the sixties.

    FORBES: Mad Men Brought To Life In The Character Of Mitt Romney

  • In the sixties and seventies, there were dozens of bands that played in the bars along the boardwalk.

    NEWYORKER: We Are Alive

  • There was an anomaly in the sixties that convinced musicians and labels that they could all get rich.

    FORBES: How The Music Industry Is Killing Music And Blaming The Fans

  • In the sixties and seventies, Southern-conservative control was broken by a coalition of left-of-center Democrats and moderate Republicans.

    NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

  • In the sixties, seventies, even in the eighties, 75 percent capacity utilization was synonymous with recession, but no longer since the mid-nineties.

    FORBES: Master Class For Occupy Wall Street

  • Cosell, who was a star in the sixties and seventies, and who died in 1995, wrote, with ghosts, no fewer than three memoirs.

    NEWYORKER: Speaking of Sports

  • In England and Japan where the jobless rate ran at 1 to 2% in the sixties and seventies they are experiencing rates of 8% and 5%.

    FORBES: Is Art Gold Or Vice Versa?

  • In the sixties, British bands like Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones mined American blues, first copying their heroes and then creating something vivid and novel.

    NEWYORKER: The Dark Arts

  • In the sixties and seventies, the office was consecutively occupied by Archibald Cox, Thurgood Marshall, Erwin Griswold (previously the longtime dean of Harvard Law School), and Robert Bork.

    NEWYORKER: Money Unlimited

  • Business cycles, particularly in the sixties and early-seventies, were vicious.

    FORBES: Management Guidance Is Mostly Worthless

  • Big, crazy parties were the quintessential New York event in the sixties, just as real-estate closings are now, and, at times, life in the Factory was an endless, desultory bash.

    NEWYORKER: Double Lives

  • Khadi played for Sierra Leone in the sixties and seventies and also turned out for five local clubs including the country's two most popular clubs, East End Lions and Mighty Blackpool.

    BBC: Sierra Leone Football Association president Nahim Khadi

  • The former defender represented the Leone Stars in the sixties and seventies, and counts leading sides Mighty Blackpool and East End Lions among the five Sierra Leone clubs he played for.

    BBC: Sierra Leone FA boss seeks truce

  • Reg Presley had a unique voice and in the sixties where a lot of bands were trying to make it in the charts the Troggs produced a sound that were all their own.

    BBC: Reg Presley of The Troggs dies aged 71

  • Before we answer this, one needs to revisit the American Economic Historian W.W. Rostow who in the sixties had suggested that countries passed through 5 stages of economic development as Traditional Society, Transitional Stage, Take-off, Drive to Maturity and High Mass Consumption.

    FORBES: India Likely To Replace Japan As World's Third Largest Economy

  • Fincher, working with a fantastically detailed script by the young James Vanderbilt, chronicles the case of the self-identified Zodiac killer, a taunting, publicity-mad creep who murdered at least five people in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late sixties and sent confessional notes about the crimes (sometimes in cipher) to newspapers.

    NEWYORKER: Zodiac

  • In an effort to keep with the times, Ascot did experiment in the Swinging Sixties - in 1968, men were permitted to wear lounge suits in the Royal Enclosure on the Friday of the meeting.

    BBC: Kitted out for Royal Ascot

  • Among my favourite parts of the book is Mr Mehta's early life in London in the swinging sixties as a callow young man, who arrives from India with a few shillings and bags of Indian tea.

    BBC: Vinod Mehta memoir a rare and salacious Indian tell-all

  • The film is set in a bleak, gossip-ridden Northern Irish town in the early sixties.

    NEWYORKER: The Butcher Boy

  • In the early sixties, I remember a 15 cent equivalent and everyone gamed the system.

    FORBES: Venezia, Still My Favorite Leading Indicator

  • In the late sixties, when Hilda was fifteen, her mother had had an affair with a singer-songwriter.

    NEWYORKER: She��s the One

  • Schuller headed new-music activities at Tanglewood from 1964 to 1984, and in the late sixties he added a pop dimension.

    NEWYORKER: Fresh Breezes

  • He judged Hall as "miscast and far too inexperienced" to take the role immortalised by Anne Bancroft in the original Sixties film.

    BBC: Hall fails critics' Graduate test

  • As chief executive of venerable growth manager Fred Alger Management, Chung inherited a style that founder Fred Alger developed in the gogo Sixties.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Born in Pomona, CA. he moved to Los Angeles in the late sixties to pursue his music career, finding work as a doorman at an LA nightspot.

    CNN: Tom Waits: The bard of Americana

  • These events in the early sixties became a civil-rights war that engulfed the South for the rest of the decade and it happened without e-mail, texting, Facebook, or Twitter.

    NEWYORKER: Small Change

  • By the time my wife, now Dr. Peggy Bia, and I entered medical school in the late sixties great hopes were emerging, based on ideas like equality, civil rights and social justice.

    FORBES: A Doctor Muses On The Selfishness Of Altruism

  • In the early sixties, he received a Ph.

    NEWYORKER: Trial by Fire

  • Malcolm, who achieved fame in the early sixties as a compelling spokesman for the black-pride philosophy of the Nation of Islam, is an unlikely hero for a big-studio prestige picture: he begins as a predatory street criminal, becomes a studious Muslim ascetic, and fulfills himself as a scourge.

    NEWYORKER: Malcolm X

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