• Only the strut and expensive sunglasses gave away the fact that he was not a Dane out for a stroll in the warm Silkeborg sun.

    BBC: man Robin Chipperfield on Froch-Watch

  • It was a day that could have happened only in a town like ours: the sun was bright, warm even, but there was a chemical haze in the air, a blurred, dusty quality to the light that we knew from having lived so long in the shadow of the works.

    NEWYORKER: Something Like Happy

  • We cooled off with a quick dip in the rock pool's icy waters and the blistering afternoon sun was quick to warm our shivering bodies when we emerged.

    BBC: The gateway to Kilimanjaro

  • Then the air grew still and warm and, after a moment in which the earth seemed to draw its breath, the morning sun spread in a rush over the plantation.

    NPR: E.L. Doctorow on Sherman and 'The March'

  • One of these changes, which would promote global warming, is a rise in the level of so-called greenhouse gases (particularly carbon dioxide) which trap heat from the sun and thus warm the air.

    ECONOMIST: More evidence that global warming is man-made

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