Accessories are big business, both as entry points to brands and as easy, more affordable add-ons that can be sold in vast numbers.
WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: The Hat Is On | The Top Winter Accessories
In particular, they will have to recognise that many of their countrymen, however gullibly, were complicit in Mr Milosevic's rule, if only by voting for him in vast numbers in elections.
We're doing our bit and going to the cinema in vast numbers (172.5 million visits, the second highest number of admissions in decade), but the international movie industry is letting the side down.
Those elements that exist in vast numbers of copies in some species may not be the result of gradual accumulation, but of a sudden burst of proliferation that, for some reason, was permitted by natural selection years ago.
Even Britain, which is notoriously sceptical about Eurovision (while still watching it in vast numbers on television), put some serious effort into this year's entry with a song written by composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber who also hand-picked the singer Jade Ewen.
The majority of the poor and least educated live in rural areas, with vast numbers concentrated in rural South and West Asia.
That figure plunged to 10% in 2001 as vast numbers of telecom issues exited the index through defaults.
Medecins Sans Frontieres, which operates health programmes in Dadaab, told the BBC it was already struggling to cope with the vast numbers at in the camp, which was originally designed to shelter 90, 000 people.
Increases in capability in these programs will minimize the need to have vast numbers of ground and air forces and result in greater effectiveness with less cost.
Intel designs a small number of chips and builds vast numbers of them in multibillion-dollar factories.
The new network greatly improved the economics of many industries and kept vast numbers of people in work.
Just as optimisation algorithms come in handy when people are swamped by vast numbers of permutations, so statistical algorithms help firms to grapple with complex datasets.
In the link from any one person to any one other it depends on the manner in which some people are connected to vast numbers of others.
FORBES: 19 Degrees Of Kevin Bacon: Just How Small Is The Web?
Considering the vast numbers of mobile subscribers in China, the T7-00 is sure to help Nokia reach its goal of selling 150 million Symbian devices in the next few years.
So much data is now available, in such vast scope and minute detail, it is no longer useful to look at numbers neatly laid out in two-dimensional columns and rows, says Gurjeet Singh, co-founder and chief executive of Ayasdi Inc.
So if vast numbers of the customers who currently bank in Verde branches decided they were furious that Lloyds is dumping them on a new owner, and refused to bank with the new owner, there would be a massive logistical and financial headache for Lloyds.
We are certainly beginning to challenge the notion of a classroom that was set up over 100 years ago in the light of an industrial revolution, that required vast numbers of people to be filled up with knowledge to be thrown into the workplace quickly, the smokestack school in more than one sense.
ECONOMIST: The Economist Debate Series: Education: The Proposition's closing statement | The
The United States will not be a leader in the 21st century if we continue to ignore the basic needs of vast numbers of our children.
CNN: Commentary: Throwing billions at schools won't fix them
She said the numbers of children affected are growing - the vast majority are girls, but one in ten are boys.
Customer numbers also grew in 2012, by a healthy 1.086 million people, the vast majority of which are contract customers (approximately 70 percent).
ENGADGET: AT&T lost $3.9 billion in Q4 2012, earned $7.3 billion profit for the year
Even if we all stopped writing new code for Windows (as, to some extent is true, we have done, much writing is now being done in Python and so on which is not platform or OS specific) right now then there are vast numbers of legacy systems out there that will continue to require Windows licenses for decades to come.
Although General Motors is based in Detroit, and Chrysler recently opened an office there, the automobile industry is not going to provide the vast numbers of jobs the city needs to become solvent.