In years gone by these people would have been looked after by younger relatives.
"In years gone by, I'd have been concerned about all this, " he wrote in his column for the Times newspaper.
In years gone by Mead attempted to defend itself from the cyclicality of the paper business by getting into other ones.
"This kind of thing is rare and in years gone by I wouldn't have gone at all, win, lose or draw, " he said.
Despite his widespread reputation as one of the greatest players in footballing history, Messi has not been averse to criticism from some teammates in years gone by.
But this time, Scott got the job done, and the Adelaide-born player was quick to praise the man who had come so close at Augusta in years gone by.
Since then, though, they've given every impression of being a relatively united bunch - which is not always necessarily easier within a smaller group, as the Lib Dems have sometimes demonstrated in years gone by.
While it can be a difficult role to fulfil today, in years gone by it was downright dangerous - five Speakers were beheaded by order of the King in the Middle Ages and Tudor period.
In years gone by, Japan's policymakers have suddenly tightened rules on short-selling and dreamed up a public stock-buying entity to shore up prices in time for March 31st, the end of most companies' financial year.
ECONOMIST: A new device to embellish the books of Japanese companies
Because of the burning of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, carbon dioxide levels have gone up by that amount in just 55 years.
The price of structural concrete has gone up by 73% in the past two years alone.
Lots of successful businesses that started up in China over the boom years of 2005-2008 might have gone public by now.
The company has gone through three sales vice presidents in six years and is dogged by ugly lawsuits and a criminal indictment for theft of trade secrets.
Greenberg was gone by the time AIG nearly failed in 2008, having been pushed out three years earlier during government investigations into accounting irregularities.
Much of the bill is funded by a gas tax, but the gas tax has not gone up in years on account of rising gasoline prices and fears that raising taxes would translate into higher prices at the pump for Americans, not for oil companies.
Nearly twenty years ago, in Jurassic Park, actor Mazzello played a child victimized by a technology abused and gone awry.
Nine years have gone by, and Jesse, now a novelist, is hawking a book in Paris, where he runs into Celine, who has become an earnest international health worker.
This article was based in part on an interview with Dr Hasnain, who was also quoted by New Scientist as saying it was possible the glaciers would be gone in 40 years.
You've probably got at least another year, maybe, you know, another 18 months of downward pressures on housing prices especially in markets on the coast where you've got these housing prices that have gone up by incredible, unrealistic multiples for several years, double-digit percentage gains in the cost of - or the going rate for a home or for a condo over the last three, four, five years.