President Musharraf in his inaugural address today had some sharp words for Western diplomats.
In his stirring inaugural address President Barack Obama called for a new era of responsibility.
In his inaugural address, Mr Obama is not expected to preview his policy agenda on Monday.
Obama's post-partisan pragmatism, he has confirmed with his inaugural address, was only a useful political contrivance.
President Obama extolled many of the things that make America great in his inaugural address.
FORBES: From Obama, A Beautiful Inaugural Address Completely Discordant With His Recent Actions
An inaugural address is a plan, and the test of a plan is the result.
Obama's call to unity after decades of political division echoed Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address in 1861.
In contrast, Obama's inaugural address sounded more like a memo filled with bullet points, written by a committee.
The tone of Obama's inaugural address Monday will be "hopeful, " White House senior adviser David Plouffe said Sunday.
Roosevelt's fourth and final inaugural address, in 1945, also was his shortest, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin told CNN.
In his inaugural address, Mr Obama said he would extend a hand to those willing to unclench their fist.
Some presidents used their inaugural address to set out a bold agenda.
In his inaugural address, Mr Kenyatta said he would govern for all Kenyans.
In his inaugural address, and at the London Conference, President Karzai committed to making good governance a top priority.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
And yesterday he reiterated that commitment, as you said, in his inaugural address.
But his inaugural address might well have been written by one of the bright young things who surround Tony Blair.
In January 1789 George Washington put quill to paper and, in consultation with aide David Humphreys, drafted his first inaugural address.
January 2013: Obama becomes the first U.S. president to mention gays and lesbians in an inaugural address and champions same-sex marriage.
But in his inaugural address last month, he raised expectations, and perhaps signaled his impending legal views, when offering sweeping rhetoric.
Obama's inaugural address "was trying basically to throw a bone to every left-wing activist group he could, " said Rep. Dave Schweikert, R-Arizona.
But does he plan anything of substance in addition to the inaugural address, any action that he would likely be taking on?
" In his Inaugural Address he pledged in "a moment rich with promise" to use American strength as "a force for good.
President Obama must not have been so fortunate because there were some nauseatingly trite passages of excessive sentiment in his Inaugural Address yesterday.
FORBES: Inauguration 2013: Obama's Embarrassing Lurch Into the Gooey Collective
President Barack Obama used his Second Inaugural Address to demonstrate that he knows what it means to execute as a leader.
He surrounded himself with seasoned if fractious advisers, and during his first weekend in Washington he asked Seward to look over his Inaugural Address.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: The showdown at Congress forced Calderon to give his inaugural address at the National Auditorium, where the scene couldn't have been more different.
And finally there's a president whose second inaugural address was entirely devoted to calling America home for the collective tasks he believes lie ahead.
Just before that time, President Mohamed Morsi, who replaced former Egyptian President Mubarak, had called for release of the Blind Sheikh in his inaugural address.
President Obama will deliver a second inaugural address later this month.
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