In the magnificent city, they meet Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), a painter who is incapable of spending a night alone.
Studies of welfare reform in the states show a similar picture: there is a hard-core group of mothers who are simply incapable of keeping a job, often because of substance abuse.
While I do think a recovery plan is needed, and that any recovery plan will require a Greek bailout, I also believe that if Greeks do not want to pay the necessary taxes to sustain a very large public sector and if Greek officials are incapable of undoing a culture of corruption, any bailout will only stem the bleeding.
In a bitterly ironic twist, many foreign observers argue that Cambodia is still incapable of mounting a properly constituted local tribunal for Pol Pot's surviving Khmer Rouge lieutenants.
At the end of the day he looks incapable of creating a sense of stability.
Yet ICANN is proving itself incapable of creating a workable alternative, and NSI meanwhile remains firmly in control.
Not only were England incapable of taking a wicket, but Smith and Amla scored uncomfortably quickly for Andrew Strauss.
Career diplomats might be thought congenitally incapable of planning a war against anyone.
Even though many in Lebanon support that demand, the Beirut government has proven incapable of reaching a consensus on the issue.
The stalled U.S. economy is even worrying the folks at Google, the Internet heavyweight that has seemed incapable of making a wrong move.
Even if their English is good enough to read technical journals and score high on the TOEFL, they're often incapable of writing a non-technical essay.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Young China | Tips From an Expert
The reason given for dissolving parliament was that King Abdullah judged it incapable of drafting a fairer electoral law in time for the election due in November.
ECONOMIST: King Abdullah��s troubles in keeping things jogging along
He was responding to criticism from Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray who said the first minister was "incapable of taking a decision" on whether Scotland should have one police force.
By not thinking the Arab people incapable of establishing a free society, the democratic nations of the world will begin to create the real "New Middle East" that so many of us can still dream about.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What Undid the Middle East 'Peace Process'
But when I meet teachers who can't spell, who are incapable of drafting a simple letter to parents without making basic mistakes in grammar and punctuation, I have to wonder exactly what my children are being taught.
The setup is the same: a group of zombie-immune survivors (the same group, plus one) are caught on an island full of dangerous monsters and idiotic NPCs incapable of moving a few feet to retrieve whatever item they desperately need to survive.
And it's an issue that we know from our own experience cannot be ignored and that's why I feel very strongly that what we're tackling here is that we're trying to fool ourselves that nobody ever is at risk of suicide when they're pregnant or that somehow they are incapable of making a decision as to the outcome of their dilemma.
Sadly, under current circumstances the FAA is incapable of bringing such a project to fruition.
"The food industry has proved itself incapable of acting in a socially responsible way, " he said.
"The evidence suggests that the corporate culture is so pervasive that they may well be incapable until there is a total housecleaning of those in management that are a part that corporate culture, " Cripe said.
Whatever the outcome of forming a government, the fragmented results of the election might produce a government incapable of giving the answers to the most pressing challenges Israel faces, and in the end might not even remain in power for too long, before a call for fresh elections.
Is the SEC really incapable of finding anyone with a honest-to-goodness history of protecting investors?
Unidentified Woman: (Through translator) Here in Perez de Leon they're incapable of even stitching up a sick person.
More money for a management team incapable of withstanding industry consolidation, changing consumer tastes or rising commodity costs.
FORBES: Hostess: Two New Private Equity Shops Want In. Can They Do A Better Job?
In Scottish common law a contract is void if a person was incapable of understanding and transacting the business in question.
In the Senate, DeMint was often at odds with his own caucus and certainly incapable of driving legislation or a Conservative agenda.
On the face of it, requiring Microsoft to sell Windows and Explorer as separate products as well as bundled ones would end the arguments except that Microsoft claims they are not a bundle at all, rather a single product incapable of being broken into parts.
And the Israeli media, like the Western media as a whole, are incapable of recognizing that Abdullah has constraints that make it impossible for him to say what he means directly.
Meanwhile, German voters are aghast at the prospect of a second Greek bail-out, which they think would merely tip more money down the plughole of a country that is incapable either of repaying its debts or of reforming itself.
The individuals within it can indeed take actions and those actions can be more or less ethical (using whichever set of ethical standards you want to apply) but the company itself is a thing and thus incapable of either actions or ethics.
FORBES: Has Apple Become More Ethical Since Steve Jobs' Death A Year Ago?