Thanks to peer pressure, Leiserson was spared the indignity of cracking down on the complainer.
He had to endure the indignity of the fly-off, and even then Xerox management remained skeptical.
More assuredly, there is the indignity of boarding by a now rather ridiculously layered social pecking order.
"A swab of this nature does not increase the indignity already attendant to normal incidents of arrest, " he wrote.
There, she suffered another involuntary indignity: a visit by Dr. Phil, who decamped in her room for an hour.
Idle industries have cast workers into unemployment, causing human misery and personal indignity.
The third group suffered the same indignity but, in addition, had elk saliva painted on to the torn surfaces.
Connor believes the Dragons - Wales's worst-performing region since they were formed - will not suffer that indignity this season.
Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" will endure this indignity as surely as it outlasted previous versions with Alan Ladd and Robert Redford.
Besides this indignity, Black Rod must endure a more recently established humiliation: the traditional irreverent quip from veteran Labour left-winger Dennis Skinner.
He buzzes for a flunky, who spares his boss the indignity of picking up the pink ring binders piled on the floor.
Maybe more so, since the special indignity of the New York subway system constitutes an even more compelling argument in their favor.
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With a further indignity, that's where (though for whom is less clear).
Only a defence-ministry veto spared the navy the indignity of seeing its former pride converted into a floating shopping mall for Buenos Aires.
Perhaps she overcame her awkward phase in utero and will be spared such indignity in her inevitable future appearances on the Bee stage.
Boyle, though, probably has more gloves than he knows what to do with and never suffers the indignity of shoveling snow with mismatched mittens.
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Why, then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity?
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The trouble with this is that you have to suffer the indignity of being lapped by people whose marathon preparation is presumably right on track.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | The loneliness of the long distance bloater
Think of the extra indignity if a farmer actually lost money!
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He said also that during Gordon's Brown time at the Treasury, older Scots had to endure the indignity of a means test to get a decent pension.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | SNP chief Salmond rounds on Brown
Republicans oppose any kind of increase in tax rates, and Boehner suffered the political indignity last week of offering a compromise that his colleagues refused to support.
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But, in the social hierarchy of school, this host of miseries was overlooked in favor of a much more contemptible indignity: I wanted to be a writer.
Chambers may have had the indignity of losing his titles, Conte pleaded guilty to conspiracy to supply steroids in 2005 and served four months in a Californian prison.
During trading on September 26th they suffered a fresh indignity.
He had been watched by father Gianfranco who never tasted success at Epsom and suffered the indignity of falling off one of his rides in the 'blue riband' event.
Under the Canadian criminal code, the illegal storage of organs is defined as an indignity of human remains and carries a penalty of up to five years in jail.
She said previous research had shown people were much more afraid of dying from cancer because of the pain or dementia because of the indignity than from heart disease.
It was the first time since 1987 that Barcelona lost both legs in a European knockout round Dundee United was the last team to inflict that indignity, according to Opta Sports.
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Archbishop Desmond Tutu, another key player in the fight against apartheid, said the day of Mr Mandela's release was "a day that promised the beginning of the end of indignity".