It is broadly accepted that there is a balance to be struck between crime prevention and individual freedom.
Individual freedom should be prized and protected so long as no one is harmed.
His personal story is just as illuminating for how economic and individual freedom catalyze innovation.
Because of individual freedom, cherished by Einstein, we are able to build wealth for ourselves.
Capitalism exalts individual freedom and voluntary, rather than obligatory or customary, interaction among the members of society.
Cars appeal powerfully to one of the most important conservative values: individual freedom.
But there is a cost to be paid in privacy and individual freedom.
In the economy, as in matters of opinion, individual freedom must also prevail.
There are many conservative arguments for reform: chiefly, it's about individual freedom and the strengthening of relationships and the family.
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And it needs to become more philosophically consistent when it comes to advancing individual freedom as well as fiscal responsibility.
The irony is that Obama arrives at the threshold of the White House steeped in ideas that subordinate individual freedom to the collective.
They are going to red states where, according to Mercatus, there is greater individual freedom, less government regulation and lower taxes.
Living alone allows people to pursue individual freedom, exert personal control and go through self-realization, but these people have fewer children.
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But with individual freedom comes individual responsibility and respect for private property.
The emphasis on individual freedom and civil rights helps humanize the issue.
And European culture is generally more tolerant of restrictions on individual freedom.
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Norman's case for market capitalism did not rest merely on its ability to create wealth, but on its capacity to advance individual freedom.
Portman embodies the formula for GOP modernization: a conservatism that unapologetically applies the principle of individual freedom consistently to both fiscal and social policy.
We are entering a new economic era of extraordinary innovation, promising a vastly better quality of life with far more individual freedom and choice.
The Center for Individual Freedom is pursuing a similar ruling in Illinois, hoping to overturn a state law requiring advocacy groups to disclose donors.
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Most Americans would agree with the president when he said we are a country that prizes both our individual freedom and our obligations to one another.
From this it follows that it is logically impossible for an omniscient designer to know, unless, of course, we are to preclude individual freedom of will.
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So there is no reason to fear that globalisation itself threatens traditional non-western cultures, such as Islam, except in so far as individual freedom threatens them.
Supporters of the plan argued the "individual mandate" is necessary for the system to work, while critics argued it is an unconstitutional intrusion on individual freedom.
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It is crazy that Texas, which prides itself on individual freedom, has the most restrictive laws in the country protecting the big auto dealer groups from competition.
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As a country that prizes both our individual freedom and our obligations to one another, this is one of the most important debates that we can have.
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We believe that free people may voluntarily unite, but cannot be compelled to do so, and that the limited government that results best protects our individual freedom.
Why are we, who are uniquely privileged to have inherited the legacy of individual freedom, so eager to trade it away in search of the illusion of security?
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Kerri Toloczko is a Senior Fellow at Frontiers of Freedom, a public policy institute dedicated to promoting individual freedom, peace through strength, limited government, free enterprise, and traditional American values.
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If you view the pressure of social norms as a way to restrict individual freedom, then this can easily be seen as progressive or conservative, depending on the behavior being restricted.