• Should Africa sit down and wait for the major players to reduce industrial pollution?

    FORBES: Global Warming And Africa's Future: Part 2

  • Natume believes Yamato struck a chord with readers who were just learning about the heavy price of industrial pollution.

    CNN: The War Mangas

  • They could be employed in more creative ways for journalistic investigations into land use, or industrial pollution, or transportation.

    FORBES: TMZ's Possible Drone Deployment

  • Imagine Shanghai crabs being caught in American ponds, lakes, and rivers, without pesticides and industrial pollution, and exported to China.

    FORBES: A New World of Exports to China

  • The prospectus talks of redeveloping the decaying port area, and of at last cleansing Guanabara Bay of sewage and industrial pollution.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil and the Olympics

  • Media coverage of local industrial pollution problems is encouraged by the government of China, to show that they care about the environment.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He says industrial pollution, overfishing and a long history of rampant logging, legal and illegal, have done the real damage to the environment.


  • On the other hand, might the cause be the effects of the industrial pollution from Mestre, or the vodka drunk before boarding the boat?

    WSJ: Venice, and New York, as Subjects

  • The main reason behind the depletion of the Ozone layer is industrial pollution which is produced by some of the world most industrialized states.

    FORBES: Global Warming And Africa's Future: Part 2

  • In Jersey City, a place long plagued by political corruption, crime, financial mismanagement and industrial pollution, the newcomers have settled in gleaming new buildings around the newly developed waterfront.

    WSJ: Old guard sees threat in youthful NJ urban influx

  • At the beginning of August, Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed an agreement that could revivify thousands of acres of wasteland contaminated by industrial pollution in New York City.

    FORBES: Is The EPA About To Shut Down Urban Renewal Across The U.S.?

  • This, too, evolved in response to industrial pollution.

    ECONOMIST: Pollution and evolution

  • The report blames industrial pollution from the 19th century for climate change from the mid-20th century, although the recent warming trend set in about 20 years ago from the cumulative use of fossil fuels giving off clear greenhouse gases such as methane and carbon dioxide.

    CNN: Alpine resorts feel the heat

  • But the rage for eggs, coupled with increased industrial development and pollution, decimated fish populations.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But human fecklessness is also to blame, including wastage, urban, industrial and agricultural pollution, absence of purifying systems and frequently poor democratic and financial management of the sector.

    FORBES: From The Forward To Antoine Fr��rot's Book

  • But the euro crisis has reduced industrial activity (cutting pollution) and European firms were anyway given overly generous carbon quotas under the cap-and-trade scheme.

    ECONOMIST: Carbon markets

  • Perhaps the most famous example is the Cuyahoga River, which was so covered with pollution and industrial waste that in 1969 it literally caught fire.

    WHITEHOUSE: Blog Action Day: Protecting America��s Waters Today

  • The thousands of stars once visible to the naked eye are now obscured by the glare of industrial light and the haze of pollution.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • What ails Modesto is what ails Bakersfield (No. 1), Hanford (No. 3), Fresno (No. 4) and other small Central Valley cities (the Valley accounts for all the California cites on the list aside from Los Angeles): heavy doses of nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons stemming from gasoline, chemical processing, paints and other industrial byproducts that harm the ozone and release particle pollution into the air.

    FORBES: The Worst Cities In America For Your Lungs

  • The debate over air pollution and, more specifically, the regulation of air pollution, raged on this week as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) watered down its cross-state pollution rule and House Republicans moved to delay new rules on toxic air pollution from cement plants, solid waste incinerators, and industrial boilers.

    FORBES: Two New Reasons to Worry about Air Pollution: Obesity and Diabetes

  • Irresponsible industrial practices have wrought terrible environmental abuses in forms of air, land and water pollution.

    FORBES: Chinese Checkmate: Beating Us At Our Own Game?

  • The environmental programs will certainly open up long-standing splits between legislators from industrial states and those from suburban-heavy areas more sympathetic to cracking down on pollution.

    CNN: Commentary: Big risks if Obama acts boldly on budget

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