And now the German finance minister, Theo Waigel, has ineptly thrown the whole project into crisis.
In 1992 he tried ineptly to clarify the question of the royal succession.
The chief prosecutor in the city of Grosseto told reporters that the vessel had "very ineptly got close to Giglio".
Worse, the government reacted ineptly to a banking crisis, and in doing so weakened the credibility of its currency board.
Regina Ip, the much-disliked security secretary, ineptly dismissed the July 1st protesters as having nothing better to do on a public holiday.
If that assumption proves faulty, the military could end up wasting whatever money it saves on contractors by executing necessary activities ineptly.
They harass people and organisations they dislike, but usually rather ineptly.
The Fed and Treasury may have handled the crisis ineptly so far, but the U.S. and every other economic power know only too well the lessons of the Great Depression.
Over the last twenty years, once-dominant companies (think AOL, HP, and even Microsoft) rise and fall based more on new killer apps than the heavy thumb of regulators pressing ineptly on the scales of justice.
We'd just love it if you invited us over to your house and you ineptly picked out a couple of songs for us, then set it to muzak mode to provide us with some relaxing background tunes.
ENGADGET: Please don't buy a Yamaha Internet keyboard if you're inviting us over
On the whole, though, this sprawling, sometimes sluggish movie is most notable for its heavy touch the sudden change of game rules is handled even more ineptly than in the book, while the ending is downright amateurish and for its emotional remoteness.
WSJ: 'Hunger Games' Has a Less-Than-Full Plate | Film Review by Joe Morgenstern
Watching the trial live on television, or standing outside the court building listening to the proceedings through loudspeakers, Filipinos did not know whether to laugh or cry, as a bumbling prosecution team ineptly set about trying to prove that Mr Estrada was a villain who should forthwith be removed from office.