Obviously, a bit of wishful thinking is inevitable in a losing presidential campaign.
On my first trip, I had successfully ridden about six miles to pick up a DVD when I reached the inevitable: a long stretch of sidewalk-less road.
As a country gets richer, it is inevitable that a smaller proportion of workers will be needed in manufacturing.
It's not uncommon for one last tweet before bedtime to lead to YouTube wormholes, which lead to a few emails, which lead to the inevitable 4 a.m.
Fisher said it was a day of change for the union, which has seemed inevitable since a review of the union last month was critical of Hunter's leadership and urged players to consider whether they wanted to keep him.
So in 1898, in a speech to the British Association, a chemist, Sir William Crookes, argued again that worldwide starvation was inevitable within a generation.
The need for a global language is a big part of the fact of globalization, and the dominance of English looks inevitable for a good long time to come.
In 2011, passenger car sales increased only 5.19%, a reflection of inevitable slowing after a period of torrid growth, especially in 2009 and 2010.
FORBES: Fordgetaboutit: China to Buy Only Domestic-Branded Cars
That may be inevitable in a region of such deep inequalities and widespread poverty.
My suspicion is these are nods to the inevitable, a passing tactic rather than a new strategy.
Around two years ago I wrote about how brain enhancing technologies were inevitable from a game theoretic point of view.
This technique is inadequate as history but almost inevitable in a movie.
Tough decisions are often inevitable if a business wants to make money.
Errors of detail, perhaps inevitable in a one-man undertaking on this scale, should not distract readers from the force of the central argument.
Change is inevitable but a greater degree of intelligence about how people work and their reactions to change will ensure you remain competitive.
It is therefore inevitable that a business editor's thoughts turn again to the widening gap between top people's remuneration and the rewards more widely available.
And since open pits are still flooded and will take weeks to drain, shipping from stockpiles only postpones the inevitable: a reduction in met coal supply.
But early mistakes were inevitable in a government that raised so many expectations, and it would be unfair to judge Ms Bachelet on one school test.
He and others caution that the economic run in that region is still based more on a somewhat inevitable recovery than on a lot of structural change.
Councillor John Harrison, the cabinet member for finance and management at the county council, said it was "inevitable" a further 1, 400 job cuts would be made by 2016-17 to help find more savings.
Mega state funds such as Kentucky and Illinois are so grossly underfunded that their demise is inevitable within a few years, absent a bail-out, and thousands of local public funds are teetering.
Such disputes may be inevitable in a process that is designed to please both Cambodia, which is concerned about maintaining political support for the trial, and the UN, which must keep up international legal standards.
It is inevitable that a storm this severe will cause damage to crops and logistics, with the result of reduced supplies and therefore, higher prices, until new crops can be planted, harvested and brought to market.
Given the growing competition in the category -- most notably from its rival Samsung with the Galaxy Note series -- it was inevitable that a stronger campaign, as well as a leader to drive it, was necessary.
The opposition parties, and they are a coalition from left and right of the political spectrum, have been stressing the political and constitutional issues - warning about the inevitable move a single currency represents towards a United States of Europe.
The smartening-up of these working-class neighborhoods -- with their cheap rent, relatively large spaces and newly opened train lines -- was inevitable in a way, but it has only added to, not dimmed, the cacophony of eclectic voices ringing through the streets.
The quality of the bout meant a rematch was inevitable and Saldivar agreed to a fight in Cardiff in June 1967.
Speaking to BBC Sport earlier this season, he put his England nightmare down to a painful but inevitable low in the career of a football manager.
But a long downtrend into 2010 isn't inevitable, even assuming a systematic lurch to bigger government.
Perhaps they will say all the costs are justifiable and big changes are inevitable in such a project.