Britain's inflation rate fell unexpectedly in October, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported on Tuesday.
Its inflation rate -- the highest in the world -- is officially at 231 million percent.
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India's inflation rate rose in December to 8.43%, driven by rising food and fuel prices.
The country is grappling with the world's highest inflation rate, officially estimated at 231 million percent.
Changes in American prices, in both directions, are also much larger than the overall inflation rate.
Trade unions are demanding a 65% wage increase, about double the inflation rate, it reports.
Successive IMF programs for Yugoslavia which currently has an annualized inflation rate approaching 1, 000 percent.
Fairness demands that the Fed avoid big swings in the inflation rate in either direction.
The 10-year Treasury yield is just under the latest annual inflation rate of 1.7%.
Hindering them is an inflation rate running as high as it is, in a recession.
The inflation rate, however, has fallen in the past year, averaging around 11 percent in 2012.
Price freezes have so far failed to stop an inflation rate believed to be nearly 30%.
They've had inflation increase money from ourselves that is far more than the inflation rate.
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The inflation rate, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index, was 2.7% in January.
Generally, there are two ways to mitigate investment risk and still trump the prevailing inflation rate.
But neither is good news for the crops - or, possibly, our future inflation rate.
Meantime, the latest U.S. personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation rate was 0.9 per cent, annualized.
Some economists think the annual inflation rate could rise as high as 30% this year.
Economists at Goldman Sachs reckon that America's inflation rate will briefly turn negative at that point.
None of this is to say that pursuing a low inflation rate is by itself negative.
Financial repression occurs when Central Bank policy drives interest rates well below the inflation rate.
Telmex lowered the price of calls to mobiles (thereby probably reducing the national inflation rate).
This measure is still below 2%, the Fed's preferred inflation rate, and thus too low.
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Some of this will come from having a higher inflation rate than its trading partners.
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The planned rate for 2008 is 1.7%, well below Italy's inflation rate of 4.1%.
America's inflation rate is low, so there seems no case for higher interest rates.
Our projection assumes a 4% inflation rate in China compared with 2% in America.
The rise in China's relative costs has been even greater given its higher inflation rate.
But should the bank set a target for the annual inflation rate or for the price level?
Since the currency's creation the average inflation rate in the euro area has been just over 2%.