• This week the group, which includes lecturers and students from Princeton and Rice Universities and an employee from the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, was intending to present a paper based around their SDMI challenge work to the Fourth International Information Hiding Workshop in Pittsburgh.

    BBC: Security through censorship

  • PokerStars says these kind of asset seizures have always involved payment processors that were acting in a non-transparent manner and hiding information from the company.

    FORBES: Billionaire Steve Wynn Makes Big Online Poker Bet With PokerStars

  • Langone, who had been on the board's compensation committee and is a close friend of Grasso, has been accused of hiding information about Grasso's pay from the rest of the board.


  • Langone, who had been on the board's compensation committee and is a close friend of Grasso, has been accused of hiding information about Grasso's pay package from the rest of the board.

    FORBES: Mack Attack

  • It is much safer for a corrupt Russian official to keep proceeds from illegal activities abroad, hiding information about their fortunes and holdings away from the prying eyes of Russian banking regulators.

    NPR: A Look At Cyprus' Move To Seize Bank Deposits

  • Campaigners fighting to save the parkland have said they are not surprised the companies have been looking after their commercial interests, but accuse the council of being "extremely dishonest" in hiding information from the public.

    BBC: Inverness West Link: Tulloch and Tesco lobbied council

  • But plaintiffs, led by lawyer David Frederick, said federal court is the appropriate venue for a case accusing the NFL of negligence and fraud, including assembling a "sham committee" in the 1990s to address the head-injury problem and knowingly hiding information from its players on the risks of brain damage from playing football allegations that the NFL flatly denies.

    WSJ: NFL Attacks Head-Injury Suit

  • Like most securities suits, this one accused Boeing of hiding important information from shareholders which, when disclosed, caused the stock price to fall.

    FORBES: Judge Tosses Boeing Suit After "Confidential Witness" Recants

  • "You have to tell them because this is the minimum honesty, you have to make sure you tell the patient there's a remote possibility they could get infected, otherwise you are really hiding very important information from them, " he told File on 4.

    BBC: Organ transplants' hidden risk

  • Labour MP Jack Dromey accused the Business Secretary of "hiding behind commercial confidence" for not giving full information about why the loan was cancelled.

    BBC: Business and Innovation Committee

  • As corporations make headlines for hiding expenses and furnishing execs with gilded trash cans, mutual funds keep even basic investor information secret, such as how much fund company executives earn and whether fund managers personally invest anything in the funds they oversee.

    FORBES: Fund Manager Knows Best

  • The former Information Commissioner Richard Thomas said that the case needed fully investigating, given the presence of phrases such as "hiding behind" in the leaked e-mails.

    BBC: Science and Technology Committee

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