The back side of the coffee maker is clear, allowing you to see the inner workings.
Wikileaks has infamously bared the inner workings of the U.S. government for all to see.
FORBES: New Product Label To Promote Green Building Materials
It's helped out money market funds who were crucial to the inner workings of the economy.
The effort to tease out the volcano's inner workings has problems to contend with, though.
The states want Microsoft to reveal the inner workings of its Windows operating system.
Perhaps we are confused by the morality of war or the inner workings of the military machine.
FORBES: Bridging Military and Civilian Understanding: What Petraeus Taught Us
"It's hard to be sure, " he said, because the detailed inner workings of the Sun were a mystery.
Simply put, I doubt there is a single Sodexo employee who fully understands the inner workings of this beast.
The full version resides at the source below, if you're looking for 51 verbose pages explaining Siri's inner workings.
ENGADGET: Apple files patent application for 'intelligent automated assistant,' sounds like Siri
Francis could inspire new recruits but could also feel compelled to intervene in the inner workings of the order.
If you want to understand the inner workings of Silicon Valley, sign up.
Both wove that reporting into broader articles that examined the mood of the country and the inner workings of government.
Melon's an EEG headband that taps into your brain's inner workings to show you how well you maintain mental focus.
At Above The Law, we use anonymous sources frequently, usually to convey information about the inner workings of law firms.
FORBES: Sonia Sotomayor gets the Supreme nod despite New Republic hit piece
On a separate note: The book is a detailed and honest look at the inner workings of a huge corporation.
Thanks to a plethora of online resources (including some helpful Engadget commenters), I was immersed in the phones inner workings.
ENGADGET: Back to BlackBerry: a power user's perspective Mobile
The design process and inner workings of relatively modern machines and game consoles were often not well known, he said.
BBC: Tony Sale: Computer restoration memorial prize launched
To get a closer look at the CAS and its inner workings, "redirect" your browser to the source links below.
By learning the inner workings of other social ventures, the teams began offering each other new ideas and peer support!
FORBES: New Civic Accelerator Galvanizes Social Entrepreneurship & Impact Investing
Intangibles are an accounting contrivance that resembles a cosmic black hole--we know it exists but understand little of its inner workings.
Yet it is these intrusions by business speak into the very inner workings of society that should be of great concern.
Opening up the inner workings of the Dashboard by releasing the code and the TechStat toolkit is only a first step.
The FTC's probe is still at an early stage, with investigators seeking to learn the inner workings of a complex business.
Steampunk is also characterized by showing the inner workings of an item, such as cogs and gears, as a design element.
FORBES: IBM Says Steampunk Looks Will Be All The Rage at National Chains This Year
The feds have broadened a year-old investigation into the inner workings of Wall Street, announcing four more arrests Thursday for allegedly fraudulent stock-lending schemes.
Almost anyone can now see into the inner workings of a company.
Smithsonian officials invited a group of journalists to bear witness as a master watchmaker carefully opened Lincoln's watch to the inner workings.
In an interview with CNN, Gerald Shur, who created the program, offered insight into the inner workings of this secretive government service.
The Thick Of It, which launched on BBC Four in 2005, takes a wry look at the inner workings of British government.
The field of neuropsychology -- the applied form of neuroscience -- is now offering an emerging consciousness about the brain's inner workings.