If you have the means, is spending an inordinate amount on pre-school a bad thing?
She said he became distant and spent an inordinate amount of time on the computer.
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We also drank a lot of coffee, and Ron expressed an inordinate interest in my career.
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Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this 50-year federal experiment is its inordinate cost.
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The issuance of so inordinate an amount of public debt would crush the value of Japanese bonds.
Heimlich noted that fuel costs have an inordinate impact on airline industry results.
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WarrenBuffettWarren Buffettdidn't get to be the second-richest person in the world by taking inordinate risks with his money.
Many of them spend an inordinate amount of time quibbling about minor semantic points, or trivial differences in statistics.
Inordinate spending has an inflationary effect of every other club and increases the cost of doing business for all teams.
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You can find happiness and content whilst coping with your inordinate level of creativity and passion for what you do.
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Warren Buffett didn't get to be the second-richest person in the world by taking inordinate risks with his money.
The 80% of us who live in towns and cities spend an inordinate amount of time staring at tarmac and brick.
So are we throwing an inordinate amount of money into our detection and dissemination system and getting very little in return?
He took an inordinate amount of time to come up with his complex plan to remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets.
"People spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to get their point across as quickly as possible, " says Nissan's Wilhite.
The petition was filed by Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar on the basis that there had been "an inordinate delay" in deciding his mercy plea.
Moreover, Geithner has been writing regulations for his plan in such a way that threatens to give inordinate profits to a handful of favored institutions.
Everyone, he notes, spends an inordinate amount of time on email.
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This article, which is well worth reading in and of itself, also got me spending in inordinate amount of time looking into the world of Medieval robots.
More than athletes in any other sport, baseball players spend an inordinate amount of time standing around doing nothing and just waiting for something to break the monotony.
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Success in the genre requires inordinate amounts of time dedication.
Activists and policymakers spend an inordinate amount of time arguing about whether the solution to high medical costs is to have government or private insurance companies write the checks.
Picking a model that subsequently spends an inordinate of time in the repair shop can quickly siphon away any savings realized from buying a used car in the first place.
It's much easier to have Fannie and Freddie take inordinate risks, even at taxpayer expense, so they can pay a political dividend called an "affordable housing trust fund" that politicians will disperse.
In addition to unnecessary care, which could save 20% of our Medicare dollars, we should cut the inordinate amount of futile and aggressive care we provide at the end of life.
In the past, particularly in the music industry, record companies sued both first-time pirates and repeat offenders for inordinate sums, leading to lengthy court battles and unfavorable views of the industry.
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While the news spokesperson said it may not be work related, employees also said to the media that the root cause is that they are upset under such an inordinate amount of stress.
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More than 60 Labour MPs have signed a Commons motion calling the proposed powers of the new Infrastructure Planning Commission - an independent body which would take decisions on major infrastructure - "inordinate and unprecedented".
They decry the inordinate amount of power and influence held by our very rich and our corporate enterprises and the power of lobbyists to further their goals in a Congress that is essentially for sale.
But every demand creator spends an inordinate amount of time talking to customers, trying to find out what their hassles are, and thinking about what things that irk them today could be turned into delight tomorrow.