Instinctively, when he had something important to tell an actor, he would huddle with him privately, rather than instruct in front of the others.
They have yet to coalesce behind a single proposal, but are considering a bill that would instruct committees in Congress to enact the commission's major recommendations, with triggers that would cut spending automatically and eliminate tax breaks if Congress does not act within prescribed deadlines.
Most schools instruct business students in finance, accounting, law, and they often provide a strong alumni network.
In particular, he said it was important to observe, monitor, instruct and if necessary correct those training in care.
After the case settles you ask Dr. Who to go back in time and instruct the attorney to make the gift 2, 060 units rather than 5, 120.
FORBES: IRS Position On Wandry Decision Makes 2012 Gifting More Difficult
"These players are almost like cricket captains in the way they instruct the side, " added Cox.
Among his first acts in office was to instruct ambassadors to focus on drumming up business for Britain.
ECONOMIST: The government��s foreign missteps are multiplying
It will cover the cost of transportation and museum educators, who instruct students at the museum and in school classrooms.
One of the best ways to log up hours in the US is to instruct - that counts towards your CV.
The court refused to instruct Greece to refrain from similar conduct in the future, arguing that there was no reason to suppose it would behave this way again.
Tony Blair has rejected a backbencher's call for him to instruct officials to serve coffee and tea in his office only from suppliers who stick to "fair trade standards".
Anyone who has seen My Cousin Vinny knows that judges have the right to instruct lawyers and witnesses as to proper attire in the court.
FORBES: Justice may be blind, but she needs to see your face
In the fall, Metcalfe will instruct 1 Semester Startup, a class modeled after 3DS. He is confident that innovation can be taught and believes it starts with inspiration.
The main argument in favor of realistic novels, aside from the pleasure in reading them, is that they instruct us.
It's hard to find enough teachers who are qualified to instruct them, and there's little consistency in the programs used to educate them.
When countries had one, or two, or three television networks, then governments could, in a polite sort of way, instruct them to carry lots of very serious reports about the opening of a power station.
Now, there are many lawyers here in this room, and you know that in federal cases all across this country judges instruct juries on circumstantial evidence.
The commission's terms of reference instruct it to consider proposals for a Department of Justice in Northern Ireland, which would be a radical departure from practice in the rest of the United Kingdom.
The purpose of the call was to instruct me, the director of a private company with little experience in the ways of Washington, on exactly how one boards the gravy train.
Mr Ramon pointed out that, regardless of the religious demography in America, in Israel the Orthodox number in the hundreds of thousands and vote as their rabbis instruct them, whereas the Reform and Conservative communities are negligible.
Instruct your Energy Secretary to quit trying to artificially pick winners and losers in the energy space.
Now, in our joint statement, what we were going to essentially instruct our negotiators is that they try to come to terms with the technical issues that remain by the fall.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & President Medvedev Joint Press Conference | The White House
When he turned back to 1549 to instruct it to turn west, Sullenberger advised him he had lost power in both engines because of a bird strike and needed to return to LaGuardia for an emergency landing.
CNN: Controller thought Hudson landing would be 'death sentence'
In his letter, Mr Hilton has also asked the council to instruct UBB not to proceed with a planning appeal.
One officer can be seen in the video taking water off the shelf and another appears to instruct looters to break a security camera.
In many, if not most IPOs in the past, the securities brokerage firms that are allocated shares instruct their clients to buy an equal number of shares first allocated to them when the stock price starts to rise by at least 10%.
In Monopoly, "Chance" and "Community Chest" cards instruct players to advance to places like Illinois Avenue, St.
More and more investors are coalescing into groups, hopeful of reaching the threshold at which they can instruct mortgage-pool trustees to act against servicers (25% of note-holders in a given issue).
ECONOMIST: Banks are under assault from buyers of mortgage securities
Should Congress vote and fail to pass a bill, Obama also says he will instruct Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, to introduce a stop-gap measure in an up-or-down vote.
FORBES: Fiscal Cliff: Obama Unexpectedly Optimistic That Deal Will Come In Time
In addition to unveiling the projects selected for expedited review today, the Administration will also instruct agencies throughout the executive branch to gather comprehensive information regarding their reviews of infrastructure projects, and the best practices they have developed.