But its instruments employ special detectors that need to be chilled to fantastically low temperatures.
Many people seem to think that jazz is moody music played with brass instruments.
Instead of the accordion, Jorge Continentos plays the wooden flute called the pifanos, among other wind instruments.
Before broadcasting began in 1924, musical entertainment in the home stemmed from self-playing musical instruments and automata.
Fine, but that implies it is useful for someone to be selling these kinds of instruments.
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As shown above, Islamic instruments can be used in many types of fund structures.
FORBES: Islamic Funds - Sharia Law and Investment Structures
Mr. Phillips was on hand to teach about the instruments and keep them in shape.
"In most modern instruments, the sound appears, and it's a fixed entity, " Mr. Haas says.
Mr. Haas says that these instruments changed the way he plays and teaches Rameau.
Simply put, people who buy U.S. Treasury instruments will get their money back.
Global Surveyor, which is still contentedly zipping around the place, is equipped with four instruments.
An adequate coverage of interest expense signifies that debt instruments are reasonably secure investments.
If you listen, beneath the pleasant acoustic instruments, you hear a tartly sarcastic, gravely judgmental song.
The Kelso company produces and supplies medical instruments as well as parts for the military.
The house also contains more than a thousand rare musical instruments, all of which Lanier plays.
Sleeker, more capable instruments are starting to emerge from Taylor's airy basement lab in Baltimore.
These instruments allow for investors to hedge their oil exposure as easily as buying a stock.
These funds generally invest in publically listed securities and derivative instruments based on such securities.
Flying at just below 10, 000 feet, research instruments identified three distinct layers of volcanic residue.
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The result was a financial market of ever more complex instruments that were not well understood.
It recommended a pilot scheme to see how single-use instruments would work in practice.
The Edge co-founded Music Rising, a charity to replace instruments lost or destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | U2 guitar sale helps raise $2.4m
Its competition, which rotates instruments annually, is a highly visible way to burnish reputations.
Texas Instruments floats an idea for combining three types of wireless service into a single device.
WOWee ONE speakers aim to address this shortfall by turning their surroundings into musical instruments.
They have the same crazy financial instruments that everyone doesn't know how to value.
Remember that Android SDK Recon Instruments finally unveiled for its heads-up display goggles?
The superfluid helium it uses to cool its instruments and their detectors is all but gone.
In the non-iPad tablet market, Texas Instruments commands the leadership position with 47% unit shipment share.
These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.
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