One, in a seeming insult to the increasingly glorious views streaming by, dons a sleeping mask.
It is a better companion piece and, frankly, less of an insult to the spirit of debate.
John Hueston, the federal prosecutor, chose not to insult the intelligence of the Enron jurors.
For every insult Rauch received, he received several more comments expressing support, if only tepidly.
Buddhist leaders say the riots were not a spontaneous reaction to the alleged Koran insult.
To add insult to injury, opponents are hitting .290 against Verlander in the Fall Classic.
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To add insult to injury, the "30-day" processing time for a visa can turn into months.
And to add insult to injury the Marlins are nickel-and-diming taxpayers over capital repair costs.
To add insult to injury, the 1988 act made the tax break retroactive to 1983.
The European Union has long called for the controversial insult law to be changed or repealed.
Then, the ultimate insult: You see the next user waves and successfully retrieves a towel.
It was hard to tell if she really felt snubbed or was only feigning insult.
Being called a lifestyle entrepreneur should be a point of pride, not an insult.
Then the ultimate insult to New Yorkers: The New York marathon must go on.
To say the euro zone has bungled the crisis in Cyprus is an insult to bungling.
Suffered worse insult when Janet Reno and 20 state attorneys general slammed antitrust suits against Microsoft.
The steep maintenance costs associated with diesel generators is like adding insult to injury.
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To add insult to injury, Apple is positioning its older tablets as low price alternatives.
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In both plays, a cycle of escalating violence is set into motion by a casual insult.
That's an insult to the players who started the game -- there were 11 international players.
To add insult to injury, it appears that it is going to be self-inflicted.
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"They ask us questions, they insult us a lot, " she says with some amusement.
It is now a criminal offence to insult the French flag or national anthem.
One illustration of this is the use of the word "spastic" as an insult.
To add insult to injury, DecorMyEyes had made unauthorized charges against her credit card.
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And to add insult to injury, the politicians were ordering the bankers to pursue this course with a vengeance.
"That particular scripture has to do with insult and not with self-defense, " he said.
To add insult to injury, corporate aircraft utilise the same resources that commercial aircraft use.
Never mind the philosophical question of whether it is wrong to insult a machine.
He stared back, his upper lip trembling in what she thought was the beginning of an insult.