• And it gives us the figures on how vulnerable gas supplies are: households would suffer interruption of gas supply if more than 60% of sources are cut off, assuming that industrial users take the first impact and cut their demand.

    BBC: Cooking without gas

  • "The AAP recognizes that monitors may be helpful to allow rapid recognition of apnea, airway obstruction, respiratory failure, interruption of supplemental oxygen supply, or failure of mechanical respiratory support, " the group states.

    ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives

  • So a shortage that results from a supply interruption in Nigeria, or somewhere in Africa, is just as significant as a supply interruption, let's say, in the Middle East, or off the coast of Texas--because the whole market is ultimately affected by this.

    NPR: Wesley Clark: Why We Should Care About Darfur

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