Amtrak's eVouchers are perhaps the worst product introduced by a major travel brand in recent memory.
Taxpayers have gained from the 10p starting rate of income tax introduced in 1999.
In August, Motorola introduced a faster multimedia version of the RAZR, the RAZR 2.
The boys all introduced themselves, some with a shy smile and eye contact, others more warily.
Publicity campaigns to raise awareness about screenings to vulnerable woman could also be introduced.
He's a one-time caddie himself, and twice introduced bills to change the tax status of caddies.
She also introduced many of us to other artists as diverse as Joni Mitchell and Stephen Sondheim.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland introduced a single non-emergency number in 2005 - 0845 600 8000.
There has been much controversy over the proposed 5% levy, which could be introduced as early as 2007.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Jersey | ?1m cost of implementing new tax
However, since they introduced this legislation in 2003, health insurance costs have continued to rise by double digits.
Spillinex might have remained a surf shop curiosity had a mutual friend not introduced Cox to the Rossis.
Their new assertiveness may reflect a labour law introduced in January 2008, which gave workers more contractual rights.
Sunderland City Council, along with Steve Cram, introduced the Sunderland City 10k to replace the Great North 10k.
Schwab recently introduced a line of ETFs that its customers can trade for free.
Barcelona introduced Larsson for Motta after 65 minutes as they attempted to put Chelsea under pressure.
He introduced me to the crowd as a great karate master, an accolade I didn't merit.
To start, the new cabins are being introduced on the airline's Boeing 777 wide-body jets.
The levy could instead be introduced on a "staggered basis, " one official told the news agency.
Later, they can be introduced to the basics of insurance, taxes, debt and investing.
WSJ: Getting Going: Is There a Cure for Financial Illiteracy?
It would be the first purely Scottish tax introduced in more than 300 years.
Ministers introduced new rules in March aimed at stopping care homes from increasing fees unfairly.
Alert Energy Caffeine Gum was introduced earlier this month by Wrigley, a division of Mars Inc.
Revised GCSEs in academic subjects, including English and maths, are due to be introduced in 2015.
The draft legislation, introduced on Wednesday, will be included in the current Finance Bill.
Britain has a total of six deer species, four of which were introduced since Norman times.
When homers per game exceeded 0.90 in the mid-1980s, weight limits on bats were introduced.
Minerals and Energy Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said electricity rationing would be introduced as a "quick-hit" solution.
To counter the barrage of copyright concern, Pinterest introduced a simple, no fuss solution.
After a new methodology was introduced in 2008, official GDP figures were boosted by nearly 15%.
Both companies recently introduced services that replicate, in many ways, offerings from smaller rivals.