Having said that, quality cannot be rushed and this the slows introduction of new products.
The reasons cited were industry factors and insufficient clarity on introduction of new products by companies.
The third leg of TaylorMade's success, besides Tour support and bold marketing, is ceaseless introduction of new products.
WSJ: How TaylorMade Made Its Move | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Our forecast for sustained growth is largely driven by expected economic improvement as well as the introduction of new products.
FORBES: McDonald's Stays Ahead Of Higher Commodity Costs, Goes To $80 On More Traffic
The company saw sales drop in notebooks, gaming, digital imagining, and televisions caused, in part, by customers waiting for the introduction of new products.
The changes will take shape in early summer with the introduction of new products and new ads from London's Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty, creator of memorable spots for Levi's, Audi and Johnny Walker.
In the fourth quarter, demand for PC memory will remain weak but DRAM for mobile devices and servers is projected to keep growing with the introduction of new products and a boom in the smartphone business.
ENGADGET: Samsung's Q3 2011 overall profit falls despite incredible phone sales
Additionally, the introduction of new premium products like the McCafe has increased average spend.
McDonald's credited Europe's introduction of relevant new products like the McWrap in Germany, as well as other factors, to driving the segment's results.
Cowger also told reporters that the company would accelerate the design of new products and speed up the introduction of new vehicles in production.
Stocks, like humans, have their life cycles, and they generally begin such cycles with the introduction of highly-innovative and popular new products that sell like gangbusters, as Apple first did with the iPod in 2001.
"Visa does not want to be the bottleneck" that slows down the introduction of new payments technologies, said Bill Gajda, head of global mobile products for Visa.