Besides, one can't help but think going big would destroy some of Berger's inventiveness.
Simon recognized a fundamental truth: Human inventiveness is the true capital of an economy.
If the technology doesn't flop, human inventiveness will doubtless come up with even more creative applications.
This medium-length film, directed by Letourneur, brings a bracingly droll inventiveness to its tender intrigue.
His French New Wave references only highlight the audacity and inventiveness that his movie lacks.
And inventiveness, focus, and speed are not often qualities associated with very big companies.
The outcome will have important ramifications for the American patent system and the future of inventiveness.
It is plain to see for everybody where the inventiveness of these bonus-maximisers has led us.
Local artisans soon learned the technique themselves, which gave rise to centuries of rich and productive inventiveness.
That such coping mechanisms existed underscored the brutality of slavery but also the inventiveness of the slaves.
Instead he wants Scotland to be linked to notions such as integrity, inventiveness, tenacity and independence of spirit.
The stellar examples of his work in U.S. museums are abundant evidence of his power, rigor and inventiveness.
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The real sources of wealth, as the Information Age underscores, are human ingenuity and human inventiveness, not physical resources.
This is where the inventiveness of the delegates come to the fore, none more so than Terence Eden.
Apple has been the face of innovation and it has shaped American inventiveness.
And its potential for inventiveness, it turns out, will dwarf that of hardware.
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Beyond that, these films offer a bracing reminder of the energy and inventiveness that characterized movies generally in the 1960s.
WSJ: Pearls of the Czech New Wave | Before the Spring Was Gone | By David Mermelstein
Surely, when God gave us curiosity, inventiveness and salesmanship, he wanted for us to apply these gifts productively and joyously.
The world is obviously going to be a better place in the future given the inventiveness of the kids today.
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And they give the company the flexibility to spend more when it needs to recruit above-average talent, improving productivity and inventiveness.
Fried, stewed, or hodgepodged, Dutch food is not known for its inventiveness.
The bottom line is that participants felt that our collective inventiveness will be what pulls us out of these economically difficult times.
Winning this battle will require more than inventiveness and high IQ.
This capability fits well with the personality traits that lead one to become a designer in the first place: curiosity, impatience and inventiveness.
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Within a system robust enough to tolerate creative destruction, British ingenuity (not so different from French or Chinese inventiveness) was free to flourish.
It might inspire someone who is reading the new Makeshift magazine that is capturing the spirit of making and inventiveness around the globe.
In particular Venus, the goddess of love, has cast her spell over Vegas where mixologists demonstrate their inventiveness inspired by this holiday of love.
One underlying factor is the very inventiveness of Silicon Valley, which keeps producing new software and online services that create new openings for attackers.
France were making uncharacteristic handling errors and looked a shadow of the side that attacked with such inventiveness in last week's entertaining defeat against Ireland.
The whole thing is conceived and elaborated in the jargons of marketing and leisure theory with a mad, po-faced inventiveness that is also entirely plausible.