• U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said "as many as three or four" oil wells may be burning on the Iraqi side of the Iraq-Kuwait border.

    CNN: marines.bunker

  • He knows Iraq well, having served in Baghdad in the 1970s, headed the US state department's Iraq-Kuwait Task Force during the first Gulf War, and worked for the Coalition Provisional Authority shortly after the US-led invasion in 2003.

    BBC: Profile: Ryan Crocker

  • U.S. President George W. Bush wants the lifting of U.N. trade sanctions on Iraq -- imposed in 1990 after Iraq invaded Kuwait.

    CNN: Blix challenges U.S. weapons hunt

  • The Czech Parliament also has authorized about 400 Czech weapons experts -- who had been stationed in Kuwait -- to operate in Iraq.

    CNN: New purported Saddam tapes aired

  • American and other Western sources who have visited the Persian Gulf in recent months report that leaders of the Gulf states from Bahrain - which Iran refers to as its 14th province - to Saudi Arabia to Kuwait and, of course, to Iraq - are praying for Israel to strike Iran's nuclear facilities and only complain that it has waited so long to attack them.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's Arab cheerleaders

  • "We wish to reach a brotherly accord and re-establish relations between Iraq and Kuwait, " Mr Ibrahim said.

    BBC: Iraq and Kuwait 'settle differences'

  • OPEC's 11 members -- Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela -- are heavily reliant on oil export revenues.

    CNN: OPEC may cut oil quotas

  • Gaffney noted that this is a threat that goes well beyond the menace posed by Iraq's aggression against Kuwait -- and one that is likely to remain even if Saddam Hussein ultimately withdraws from and relinquishes control over the emirate.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Immediately after those talks, Iraq remained insistent that discussions would progress only if issues such as U.S. threats against Iraq, the no-fly zones, and sanctions against Iraq imposed after Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 were on the table.

    CNN: Iraqi weapons talks move welcomed

  • Under Mubarak, Egypt was a major player in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and it contributed troops to the U.S.-led coalition that drove Iraq out of Kuwait in 1991.

    CNN: For Mubarak, once Egypt's strongman, a long fall from grace

  • America has regarded Syria as a sponsor of terrorism since the 1970s but relations briefly improved in the early 1990s when Syria's then leader Mr Assad's father, Hafez Assad backed the war to force Iraq out of Kuwait and supported the Israeli-Palestinian peace conference in Madrid.

    ECONOMIST: Sticks for Syria, carrots for the Palestinians | The

  • Kuwait and Iraq have ended a 14-year hiatus in diplomatic relations.

    ECONOMIST: Arab foreign policy

  • Iraq's pavilion includes artists such as Ahmed Alsoudani and Halim al Karim, who grew up experiencing the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, economic sanctions and subsequent artistic isolation.


  • He delivered on-the-ground coverage of the military build up in Iraq and Kuwait in 2003, including embedding with the 1st Battalion of the 7th Marines.

    CNN: Anchors & Reporters

  • The 1980-89 Iran-Iraq war, followed by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent 12 years of sanctions, cut off the emirate from family and trading ties in its natural hinterland.

    ECONOMIST: Kuwait, America and Iraq: My best friend's war | The

  • It is also, unfortunately, all too reminiscent of the Bush-Baker approach to Iraq prior to Baghdad's invasion of Kuwait.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The alliance that pushed Iraq out of Kuwait in 1991 has not survived the long cat-and-mouse game with Mr Hussein.

    ECONOMIST: Saddam defies the UN, again

  • But its actual behaviour is much the same as it was during the North Korean nuclear crisis of 1993-94 and in the aftermath of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • This number is smaller than it was until recently insofar as, according to a UPI report on 12 August 1990, Iraq is allowing some 7, 830 Soviet citizens in Iraq and 880 Soviets in Kuwait to leave via the Jordanian border -- in stark contrast to the de facto incarceration of Western citizens, now dubbed "restrictees, " in Iraq and Kuwait.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Saddam, who faced a U.S.-led alliance in the 1991 Gulf War following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, said he doubted that Washington would respond violently if the attackers were from a Western country.

    CNN: Saddam: Learn from our pain

  • The one notable exception to this is Kuwait, where most people hold bitter memories of Iraq's seven-month occupation.

    ECONOMIST: Let��s be diplomatic, say the neighbours

  • Twenty-three countries comprise the Arab League, but only Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Iran are major oil producers.

    FORBES: Unconventional Oil In The Middle East

  • The Center for Security Policy today urged the Bush Administration and its coalition partners to carry the campaign forward from the liberation of Kuwait -- now nearly completed -- to the liberation of Iraq, itself.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: On to Baghdad! Liberate Iraq

  • The Emir of Kuwait attended the summit - the first visit by a Kuwaiti leader to Baghdad since Kuwait was invaded by Iraq under Saddam Hussein in August 1990.

    BBC: Arab League backs Annan's Syria plan at Baghdad summit

  • Kuwait has meanwhile marked the anniversary by again calling on Iraq to return more than six-hundred prisoners it says Baghdad is still holding.

    BBC: France condemns Iraq sanctions

  • In 2003, Gupta reported from Iraq and Kuwait as an embedded correspondent with the U.S. Navy's medical unit -- and worked alongside them, performing brain surgery five times.

    CNN: Gupta opts out of surgeon general consideration

  • Some 20, 000 pieces--including arms, armour, ceramics, earthenware, seals and decorative arts from ancient Persia, Mamluk Egypt and the Mughal emperors in India and Kuwait of the Bronze Age--were packed in crates and driven to the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad in a 17-lorry convoy.

    FORBES: Connoisseur's Guide

  • So Saddam stayed in Iraq, Saudi Arabia again became a closed society, and Kuwait continued to amble along as a family-run country.

    CNN: Nicholas Kristof: Running for the exits

  • The UN administered the oil-for-food programme from 1996 to 2003, when Saddam Hussein's Iraq was under sanctions for having invaded Kuwait.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Fired UN official 'owed apology'

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