The National Electoral Council said the results, which it announced on Sunday night, were "irreversible".
Unfortunately, for patients who lose all sight, blindness is irreversible because the optic nerve is damaged.
This is an amazing result for macular degeneration, which has been, until now, irreversible.
Scientists and economists have said this plan risks leading to catastrophic and irreversible climate change.
Expect likewise when global warming turns out to be neither catastrophic nor irreversible come 2017.
Some scientists think that the planet is already on an irreversible journey to dangerous warming.
Agricultural scientists are increasingly aware of slow, irreversible trends in soil and climate deterioration.
We can't afford to have a cut result in irreversible damage to our industrial base.
The Bush administration wants what they call a complete irreversible and verifiable nuclear disarmament.
That was a situation where going over the deadline and catastrophe might ensue, with irreversible harm.
Mr Cardoso, perhaps surprisingly, says yes, because many of his economic reforms are irreversible.
Once players begin dropping off onFarmVille, MafiaWars, or Draw Something, the trend is practically irreversible.
They will suffer from irreversible environmental devastation and the permanent loss of invaluable cultural heritage.
The damage malnutrition does in the first 1, 000 days of life is also irreversible.
He argues further that, whatever the immediate arguments over economic matters, the issue of independence is irreversible.
It led to a fundamental and irreversible shift in how ordinary men and women thought of themselves.
Annan appealed to all countries to avoid a new arms race and start negotiating irreversible disarmament agreements.
Strategic blunders at one-time industry leaders such as Sony and Blackberry have caused irreversible financial damage.
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Decades of research has shown that lead poisoning causes significant and probably irreversible damage to the brain.
Barry Eichengreen wrote in 2007 that euro membership was effectively irreversible because withdrawal would be too traumatic.
"The world situation, of which this wall was a symbol, seemed irreversible to many people, " he said.
Mr Haider was against Austria joining the European Union, though he now accepts its membership as irreversible.
"We were told the bank would close on 9 March and the decision was 'irreversible', " Mr Kendall said.
If an investment is irreversible, uncertainty raises the value of hoarding cash and waiting to see what happens.
Intriguingly, though this silent legacy could persist for at least three generations, it was not an irreversible alteration.
And obviously, I will continue to cooperate with you in all these directions that these gains get solidified, irreversible.
The electoral commission's deputy head, Sandra Oblitas, said that the result was "irreversible".
The U.S. imports way more goods from China than China imports from the U.S. The trend seems irreversible.
Resolution 1718 also requires the DPRK to abandon its ballistic missile program in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.
But she also cautioned them to keep a healthy skepticism about the reforms which, she said, are not irreversible.