When the perpetrator of abuse is a priest a sacred trust has been irrevocably betrayed.
What's certain, however, is that the contest over reform in Indonesia has been irrevocably radicalized.
The big break in the momentum means the stock game has changed irrevocably for Netflix.
And for the people being lied to, like my client, it irrevocably changes the interpersonal dynamic.
FORBES: Why Employees Lie: Men of a Certain Age, Situational Deceit and Pygmalion
France, too busy falling irrevocably behind Germany, is only sending a few cabinet ministers.
But talks between the 24-year-old and the Blues "broke down irrevocably", according to the St Andrews outfit.
However, we are not intimately and irrevocably tethered to millions of other people.
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"What happened has changed our lives irrevocably, " said Arnold Pistorius, the athlete's uncle, referring to the events surrounding Steenkamp's death.
We're used to seeing a new generation of a product that instantly and irrevocably makes the previous one look tame.
Minus, of course, the fees on both sides that have permanently and irrevocably flowed into the bank accounts of the lawyers.
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Rust and Bone, about a whale trainer whose life is irrevocably changed by a tragic accident, has nine nominations in all.
Britain would eventually have to join these projects, the diplomats thought, which would by then have been shaped irrevocably by others.
An evolution in the marketplace of talent has quietly but irrevocably changed how people look for work and how companies find workers.
Since their currencies are now irrevocably fixed, this gap can only be narrowed by prices falling in France or rising in Spain.
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We enjoy the fruits of prejudice and bigotry being lifted -- slowly, sometimes in fits and starts, but irrevocably -- from human hearts.
But in the course of first copying the contents of the hard disk-a seemingly sensible precaution-they triggered the hidden program that irrevocably destroyed them.
Such juxtapositions tell the story of humanity's best and worst impulses brought to bear upon an environment which may be irrevocably altered within our lifetimes.
But Roux does believe the scare has changed eating habits irrevocably.
It was a sea change, which irrevocably put Facebook ahead of competitors technologically, and laid nails in the coffin of MySpace as a viable social network.
Even with these immensely skilled and well compensated experts working on behalf of Rodriguez, his image and relationship with the New York Yankees is irrevocably broken.
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In a joint statement they said their lives had changed "irrevocably" when they heard the shocking news that their mother "had been brutally murdered in Tenerife".
That might not matter if the project were moving irrevocably forward, but the forthcoming mayoral election is shaping up to be yet another referendum on rail.
And ever since the 17th century, when Iran's Safavid dynasty made the country irrevocably Shia, nearby Sunni states have fretted about Iran's influence on their Shia minorities.
"Lance's devotion to serving others whose lives were irrevocably changed by cancer, as his was, is unsurpassable, " Doug Ulman said in a statement issued after Wednesday's announcement.
Whether the institution in question develops drugs, manufactures devices, insures patients, or directly provides healthcare, none of these moves will cost a lot or irrevocably roil internal operations.
The incident irrevocably changed her life, ultimately for the better.
The Islamic world tilts irrevocably away from Western influence.
And even the programmer concerned said that users of Microsoft's new Windows XP operating system, which is irrevocably integrated with Passport as a means of forcing it into the mainstream, would not have been affected.
If you simplify their decision-making process with authenticity, simplified learning and options to weigh in on, consumers think less about the decision and you can irrevocably demonstrate a way to win back consumer confidence and share of trust.
Seeing as how the clip has hit the internet mere days before the premiere, we doubt it will have a negative effect on box office sales come Friday -- unless, of course, those first 36 minutes are irrevocably horrible.