Then, as now, the Israeli right refused to recognise that the separate peace signed by Israel and Egypt in 1979, and Israel's continuing occupation of the Palestinian territories conquered in 1967, rendered the Israel-Egypt relationship both parlous and unpopular among large sections of Egyptian society and in most of the Arab world.
Jimmy Carter owes his Nobel peace prize in large part to the peace deal he brokered between Israel and Egypt in 1978 (and has never let the world forget it).
Blitzer covered the first Israeli-Egyptian peace conference in Egypt in 1977, and, in 1979, he traveled with then-President Jimmy Carter on visits to Egypt and Israel for the final round of negotiations that resulted in the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.
And then both Secretary Clinton and Tom Donilon have been speaking to our ambassadors in Israel and Egypt.
Many fall into the hands of ruthless and well-armed people-smuggling gangs as they try to make their way to Israel or Egypt in search of a better life.
But the truth is that while on balance Israel's regional posture has taken a hit, particularly from the overthrow of Mubarak and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists in Egypt, Israel is not the primary loser in the so-called Arab Spring.
Also troubling are the recent reports which have noted that al Qaeda forces in Gaza and the Sinai, in cooperation with Palestinian terror forces in the areas are interested in targeting the U.S. Multi-Force Observer Battalion stationed in the Sinai and the Egypt-Israel gas pipelines in the Sinai.
As in the case of the growing tensions between Israel and Egypt, the rupture between Israel and Turkey leaves America helplessly in the middle.
Israel surrendered the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and in exchange, Egypt has not staged a military attack against Israel from its territory.
Mr Obama's decision not to visit Israel when he stopped in Egypt early in his first term disappointed many Israelis.
As it stands, the tension between Israel and its neighbors in Egypt, Syria, and Iran, as well as the Palestinians, is only growing as the War on Terror morphs slowly but surely into the War on Cyber-Terror.
The issue of gas sales to Israel has been highly controversial in Egypt, in light of allegations that Egyptian government officials enriched themselves on the deal and that Israel has paid below market prices for the gas.
Can Israel do anything about shifting politics in Egypt and the rest of the Arab world that are sidelining pragmatists who sought an accommodation with Israel?
Daley is to meet with his counterparts in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Palestinian Authority and Lebanon.
In an interview with CNN, Clinton said the problem was discussed at length during her meetings in Egypt and Israel.
Facing the prospect of a Muslim Brotherhoodruled Egypt in September, Israel's government must begin preparing both diplomatically and militarily for a new confrontation with Egypt.
Whereas in places like Egypt, Israel's relations with the country are completely contingent on the identity of Egypt's leader, in the US, the president does not determine whether the alliance between Washington and Jerusalem will remain strong.
He spent most of his career in the Middle East and North Africa, including postings to Israel, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia, in addition to serving as the deputy chief of the U.S. mission to Libya from 2007 to 2009, during the rule of Moammar Gadhafi, according to the State Department.
CNN: Slain ambassador died 'trying to help build a better Libya'
The Bedouin attacks on Egyptian police and border guard installations in al Arish and Suez over the past three weeks are an indication that the fear of a strong state, which was so central to Israel's thinking in during the peace process with Egypt, is no longer Israel's most urgent concern.
After his talks in Israel, Hagel planned stops in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.
Since the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2006, Egypt has demonstrated repeatedly that it supports Israel in its fight against Iran and its proxies.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Opportunity is knocking on Israel��s door
In contrast to the Brothers, Nour Party leaders belatedly joined the revolution, blessed the practice of democracy (previously dismissed as a contravention of godly laws) only in September, and accepted Egypt's peace treaty with Israel only in December, to the angry consternation of the party's more radical elements.
And much aid is disbursed for strategic rather than developmental ends helping Egypt and Israel, in particular.
Soon after arriving in Israel, Mitchell left for Egypt, where he is to meet with President Hosni Mubarak.
CNN: Visit to Syria starts week of U.S. diplomacy in Middle East
Egypt left Israel alone in the three subsequent decades free to prosper and to focus on other threats (from other Arab nations).
The government encouraged them to move there some after being evacuated from Yamit, the settlement strip at the north of the Sinai, when Israel gave it back to Egypt in 1982.
The incident is embarrassing for both the Colombian and US governments as President Bush increases aid to this beleaguered South American nation - now the third largest recipient of American military aid in the world after Israel and Egypt.
If the Muslim Brotherhood were not a factor in Egypt, then Israel would probably have simply been indifferent to events there, as it has been to the development of democracy in Iraq and to the popular revolt in Tunisia.
The East Mediterranean Gas Company, based in Cairo, is "an Egyptian joint stock company" with the right to export gas to Israel from Egypt and to export to other locations in the region, according to Ampal's website.